Full From Within

How To Be Full From Within After WLS

July 12, 2017 · 0 comments

What does it mean to be “full from within?” This concept refers to the idea that we no longer have this psychological “black hole,” that needs to be fed through external things such as; food, drugs, alcohol, spending, relationships, gambling. ~ Dr. Colleen, The Psychology of Finally Being Full From Within

3 Things You Can Do This Minute to Stop Weight Regain After WLS

June 12, 2017 · 0 comments

Terrifying. That’s the word almost all of my clients use to describe their fears of weight regain after WLS. We all know that some weight regain is expected—usually around 25% of the total weight initially lost—but what if it doesn’t stop there? There definitely are steps you can take, right

before after vsg with shari h

Before & After VSG with Shari H., losing 104 pounds!

June 6, 2017 · 0 comments

Why I Decided to Have WLS I was overweight and shy my whole life, even when I was in high school and on the dance team, dancing my butt off six days a week, I was still considered chubby and had a hard time making friends. I was also diagnosed

tracking after WLS

11 Mistakes to Avoid When Tracking After WLS

May 5, 2017 · 0 comments

So…you've had your weight loss surgery, and are gung-ho on sticking to your new plan for your healthier lifestyle.  You feel confident and motivated!  You can actually see your goal weight in your near future. Your team of friends, family, doctors and your dietitian are all cheering you on.  Let’s

NEWt Protein Supplements After Weight Loss Surgery-

A Helpful Guide for Understanding Protein Supplements After Weight Loss Surgery

March 30, 2017 · 0 comments

Have you ever felt overwhelmed looking for protein supplements after weight loss surgery at the store or online? You’re not alone! The protein supplement industry is huge. According to Euromonitor International, a trend monitoring organization, consumers spend 16 billion dollars per year on protein products. It’s nice to have options

weight regain resolution

After Bariatric Surgery: Weight Regain Resolution

March 29, 2017 · 0 comments

Weight Regain Resolution: In the beginning of our weight loss surgery journey, our paranoia and need to follow the rules keep us on track. During the honeymoon period, we have defined goals that we are working towards, which contributes to our advanced weight loss. This weight loss ends and can reverse

resolve sleep apnea

Can Bariatric Surgery Really Resolve My Sleep Apnea?

March 22, 2017 · 0 comments

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is an extremely common public health problem present in 2% to 4% of the general population. It has been linked to the development of hypertension and is a risk factor for the incidental development of stroke, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, and atrial fibrillation (a

Make the Mental Shift, Food As Fuel

Make the Mental Shift, Food As Fuel

March 10, 2017 · 0 comments

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about your birthday? How about Thanksgiving or a special family gathering?  If you’re anything like me, images of cake and ice cream immediately surface, as well as juicy slices of turkey and hot mashed potatoes drizzled with gravy! 

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