Oh To Have Wings To Fly
July 27, 2013The definition of the word “transformation” is:
Complete change, usually into something with an improved appearance or usefulness.
The butterfly is a perfect symbol of transformation. But before the butterfly goes into its beautiful appearance and flies to its glorious freedom, it is a caterpillar; an insect stuck in a cocoon waiting to be reborn.
My name is Debbie and for most of my life I was stuck in a dark and gloomy cocoon, waiting to be beautiful, wanting to be loved and accepted and praying for wings to fly.
My cocoon was 100 pounds of unwanted weight. This came along with a lot of low self-esteem issues, embarrassment and unhappiness.
In 2006, I had Gastric Bypass Surgery with Dr. Valeriu Andrei and was finally released from my cocoon. I went to Dr. Andrei because he was highly recommended as the best in his field and also taught other doctors how to do weight loss surgery. When I met the doctor, I found him to be informative, kind, compassionate, safe and he had a very supportive and friendly staff working in his office.
The 100 pounds came off quickly in one year and a new person emerged. I no longer looked down at my feet when I walked, I could look people in the eye. I could sit in a booth at a diner and wasn’t uncomfortable at the table because for the first time I could fit. I could wrap a bath towel around me and tie my own shoes, (little things that others took for granted). I didn’t need an airplane seat belt extender when flying. Oh, my wings were beautiful, I was beautiful and healthy and participating in life again, instead of sitting on the sidelines. My shortness of breath went away, my swollen ankles and back pain went away, snoring gone and my low self-esteem left me. I was reborn with a new birthday of July 17th, 2006, my Gastric Bypass Surgery date.
I have two awesome grandbabies, Ethan who is two years old and Emmett who is one. I can run, crawl around on the floor and do crazy, active playtime with my grandsons who I so adore and are my joy. I believe I will be around longer for them and my family because of my weight loss surgery.
My daughter, Michelle had Gastric Bypass Surgery as well and lost 100 pounds and found the love of her life. My good friend Sherri lost 130 pounds in one year and became so much healthier. After having the surgery your friends and family look at you and say, “I want to be healthy too and come out of my cocoon and be a butterfly.” You love yourself again and in doing so love others around you even more.
Something else wonderful happened to me after my surgery. I started working for my surgeon, Dr. Andrei as a Patient Coordinator. What a special place to work. Every day I see the transformed lives of others, once stuck in a cocoon, now shedding 40, 60, 100, 200 pounds. Once afraid to show themselves to a critical world are now transformed into beautiful, radiant, butterflies with strong healthy wings, ready to take flight. Some getting new jobs, some finding that special someone to love, and some even having babies. There is joy here, laughter, love, excitement, rebirth, transformations as the beautiful butterflies take flight after their weight loss surgery. I can encourage and relate to every patient as I am one myself.
Transformation is a beautiful thing. Getting your wings after weight loss surgery takes you to new heights you never imagined you would fly to. The view from the top is breathtaking. “Happy Flying!”