Nancee’s Journey: Knowing When You Need Support
July 18, 2013“I’m living anew, feeling younger, and am motivated to get out and “DO” things!”
Nancee Nichols describes herself as always being an active person, having camped and hiked all over the world. “I knew I was overweight but I tried not to let it stop me”, recalls Nancee. At age 50, and 315 pounds, Nancee began to feel the effects of her weight. She was diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and borderline diabetes. Her asthma required three inhalers a day.
Nancee wasn’t new to losing weight. She started dieting at age 16 and had run the gamut of both traditional as well fad diets for close to 35 years. “Dieting was just not enough. I needed something to help me to control me. I ate large portions but was never satisfied.”
Having been told that she was not a candidate for the banding surgery by a doctor in another program, Nancee found herself at Unity’s Bariatric Center for a second opinion. “I really liked that both the surgeon and former patients were at the Program Meeting to answer questions. I think it was the “hope” piece. I met with Dr. Jeff (Baker) in consultation and was relieved and excited when he said that the banding surgery was an option for me, despite my BMI being greater than 50. I knew I was in the right place.” Nancee worked diligently with her nurse clinician, Lynn Shriver, as well as the dieticians and exercise specialist at Unity’s Bariatric Center. Prior to surgery, Nancee had lost not just her required 20 pounds of preoperative weight, she had lost 50 pounds by the day of surgery. She recalls that surgery went smoothly and that she never was nervous. “I thought I would be a little unsettled going into surgery but between Dr. Baker and all of the others, I wasn’t. I really just felt prepared.” Another thing that really stood out for Nancee is that she was given Dr. Baker’s pager number and was told to page him with any concerns. “I really could not believe that I could reach him 24/7. I actually did need to call a few weeks following my surgery and, sure enough, Dr. Baker called me back five minutes later.”
Today Nancee is five years out from surgery. When asked to describe her experience long-term, Nancee recalls that there were some ups and downs. “You need to be prepared that life won’t suddenly be perfect now that you’re a thinner person.” Although Nancee was three years out before requiring an adjustment to her band, she continued regular follow ups with Dr. Baker and successfully lost a total of 110 pounds. “I then started to feel over-restricted even though I had never had a fill. Dr. Baker explained that the band does contain some priming fluid. He removed that fluid and I felt fine.” Since that time, Nancee has required band adjustments to keep her on track with her weight loss. “I was kind of an anomaly for those first three years without ever needing a fill,” recalls Nancee. “I now am more of a ‘normal’ bander.” Nancee also recalls having to address some emotional eating behaviors. “Life can be stressful. That is just life sometimes. I started putting back on some weight because I wasn’t following the guidelines. I knew this was “head” eating and I needed help. I came back into the program to meet with Lynn Shriver, nurse clinician, and was so happy with the support I was given from both Lynn and Dr. Baker. I was never looked down on for “falling off the wagon,” but rather supported in getting back on track. Lynn and I worked out a plan to help me to again be successful. For me, this meant meeting with Lynn once a week, then twice a month and then monthly, until my new behaviors had become habit.”
“Today I would say I truly have a new life and a new family. The doctors, nurses and support staff at Unity, and my new friends from the support groups have become my new bariatric family. I was lucky to have Dr. Baker as my surgeon. He is the best — knowledgeable, caring, supportive and nice. He has always treated me with respect.“ Nancee has since joined the Unity Program. Having once been impressed that former patients came to the Introductory Meeting to Weight Loss Surgery, Nancee is now presenting as one of those “former” patients. “I really enjoy the opportunity of helping someone who is just starting the process. I understand what it was like sitting at that meeting for the first time. I want those people to know that life can be different, and they can make the changes necessary for a healthier and happier life.”
Today Nancee is often found on one of her long bike rides. “I rode 71 miles one day,” smiles Nancee. “A long way from the days when I couldn’t even ride around the block. I now work out regularly at the gym and get a kick out of young men who can’t contain their surprise when I am able to lift more weight than they are. “ Although Nancee still does experience some joint pain, it is so much better. “I’m proud that I have had sport injuries. Get it? Sports injuries come from DOING sports!” Asked to think of a moment that was profound following surgery, Nancee recalled walking with her best friend, a friend she had walked with for years. My friend looked at me and said, “It’s so nice I don’t need to walk slowly anymore so you can keep up.” Today, it is Nancee that is usually the one to keep up with. “I understand that I am in charge of my tool. I make food choices. I choose to exercise. I am in control. I am “DOING” life.”
Visit Nancee's OH profile here.