Linda Is No Longer A Ticking Time Bomb!
August 7, 2013“My family genetics are loaded with diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I was a ticking time bomb.”-Linda Hofschulte
“I found the person that had been locked inside of me all of my life,” is how Linda Hofschulte best describes her weight loss surgery journey. Although Linda recalls that she wasn’t unhappy as a heavier person, she does admit that she didn’t go out much and was often tired. “Walking or riding a bike was a major effort. I hated to shop for clothes for myself.” Truth be told, Linda’s real motivation to pursue weight loss surgery stemmed from the health concerns she had attributed to her weight. “I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and mild sleep apnea. I had heart surgery the year prior. My knees and joints constantly ached.” Linda also has a strong family history of obesity and associated comorbid conditions. Having lost her own mother at the age of 54 following a 30 year history of battling diabetes, Linda knew it was a matter of time for her should she continue down her current health path. “My family genetics are loaded with diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I was a ticking time bomb.”
Linda’s desire to see her grandchildren grow up, her children succeed and to retire with her husband to Nevada, along with her witnessing the success her cousin had following weight loss surgery, brought Linda to the Introductory Meeting at Unity’s Bariatric Center. Although at first Linda was most interested in the Roux en Y gastric bypass surgery, she ultimately selected the vertical sleeve gastrectomy procedure. “The sleeve had just been approved for coverage by the insurance companies. The more research I did, the more I determined that the sleeve was the right procedure for me as it seemed to produce rapid weight loss and was less invasive than the Roux en Y gastric bypass.” Linda began the Program in November of 2010 and had surgery on March 14, 2011. She has only great things to say about nurse clinician, Lynn Shriver, and her surgeon, Dr. Jeffrey Baker. “Dr. Jeff and my nurse Lynn have been outstanding. They encourage me, listen to my complaints, chastise me when I don’t follow the ‘rules.’ They are like good friends, there through good and bad and always supportive.”
Two years following surgery, Linda has gone from 225 pounds and a BMI of 39.3 to 149 pounds with a BMI of 26. “Though I still am taking cholesterol and blood pressure medications (because you cannot change genetics) my dosages are less than half of what they were. My knees still bother me on occasion, but now because of my level of activity and and partly due to arthritis aches, not the fact that I carry around too much weight.” Linda rides her bike or walks a minimum of one mile every day. Although she still occasionally indulges in chocolate, she does so in moderation. “When my scale goes up a pound or two, I now know exactly why, and I can’t blame it on anything but myself.” Linda does admit that sometimes she misses being able to eat whatever she wanted, she now personally understands that living a fuller life, and one which includes a healthier diet and exercise, is well worth the trade-off.
When asked if Linda would recommend Unity’s Bariatric Center to a friend or family member, Linda responded enthusiastically, “I would and have! I think the passion, professionalism and caring the staff show their patients is such a plus. I have dealt with other doctors and nurses who treat patients as a number. That is not the case with Unity’s Bariatric program or staff. To them, I was not a number, but a person that counted.” And today, when Linda goes shopping, it is something that brings her great joy. “I am a thrift store junkie,” touts Linda “and proud of it!”