How Plastic Surgery Improves a Patient’s Life After Weight Loss
February 1, 2021There are many reasons why plastic surgery improves a patient's life after weight loss. There are the obvious reasons like removing excess skin and fat, but let’s break it down further.
There are two main branches of reasons for skin and fat removal: the physical and the psychological. I will break it down like “David Letterman’s Top Ten Reasons” or like the “Family Feud Show Survey Says”.
Well, to be scientific, I performed an internet survey among my post-operative weight loss patients on whom I conducted reconstructive plastic surgery over the past 20 years. I asked my post-op patients, “How did plastic surgery improve your life after weight loss?”. Many of my results were expected, but some were unexpected and even surprising, and so, let’s jump in. Here is the list.
10 Common Physical Medical Improvements After Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
The countdown to the Number 1 most common physical medical improvement after reconstructive plastic surgery after weight loss is as follows….
Decreased my low back pain. After weight loss, there can still be a lot of weight held on the lower abdomen. This abdominal weight can pull on the lower back and cause low back pain. Due to the sheer weight of the excess skin and fat removed during a tummy tuck or lower body lift, the skin and fat removal can relieve a lot of stress and strain of the lower back.
Curbed my appetite. This was a surprising one for me. During your tummy tuck or lower body lift, the rectus abdominis or six-pack muscles are sewn together. Because of the tightness of the plication or muscle tightness, your underlying stomach is compressed. This physiologic stomach compression decreases the size of the stomach and, thus, can curb your appetite.
Removed my stretch marks. Stretch marks occur because the skin is stretched beyond its limits to recoil. This pulled skin breaks the underlying collagen strands. As the skin repairs itself, the new collagen lacks pigmentation and leads to a small, depigmented, linear skin scar or stretch mark. Plastic surgery can permanently eliminate some or all of those unsightly stretch marks.
Allowed me to run, bicycle, and exercise better. Plastic surgery after weight loss can do lots of things. Sometimes, removing excess skin and fat can literally lift and eliminate many physical barriers to exercise. Due to the size of their abdomen, thighs, and/or arms, it is difficult for some patients to exercise. Often, by removing the skin and fat from the abdomen, thighs, and arms, patients can exercise more effectively.
Allowed me to have my prior scars removed. Some patients have previous scars due to trauma or natural disease processes, like an appendectomy, C-section, or exploratory laparotomy. These scars often remind patients of their past and can lead to overeating to hide and cover these scars. Depending on the location of these scars, plastic surgery can help to erase and remove these scars.
Removed my fat pockets. Plastic surgery after weight loss can permanently remove stubborn pockets of fat either by direct excision or liposuction. Fat pockets can be throughout the body, including the abdomen, pubic region, hips, thighs, back, side breasts, and arms.
Removed redundant excess rolls of skin. One of the most sought after benefits of plastic surgery after weight loss is the permanent removal of excess skin and fat from the abdomen, thighs, arms, and buttocks.
Gave me a better belly button. Some people are afraid to wear certain types and styles of clothing based on their anatomy. Due to the appearance of their abdomen and belly button, some people do not expose their midsection. With a tummy tuck and belly button reconstruction, people can now show off their midriff and belly button.
Got rid of my “love handles.” Some fat pockets are tough to diet and exercise away. The “love handles” are one such area. Usually, plastic surgery can permanently remove these pockets.
Eliminated my skin rashes. One of the most significant physical medical benefits of skin removal surgery after weight loss is the elimination of skin rashes. Skin rashes are due to bacterial and/or fungal overgrowth and subsequent skin infection. Skin rashes are eliminated with plastic surgery because both the skin (which harbors the bacteria) and the intertriginous or skin folds (which create the moisture required by the bacteria or fungi to grow) are removed.
There are also many psychological reasons for having reconstructive plastic surgery after weight loss. Medical reasons and psychological reasons to have plastic surgery are vastly different.
Medical reasons, like some mentioned above, are more objective and are sometimes covered by insurance.
Whereas psychological reasons are more subjective and are not covered by insurance. Psychological reasons for having plastic surgery are very personal.
One person’s reasons for having plastic surgery can be completely different from another person’s motives. Also, one person’s reaction to their plastic surgery results may be completely different from another person’s reactions who have the same anatomic result.
10 Psychological Improvements from Skin Removal
The top 10 psychological reasons, according to my patient survey, to permanently have the skin removed include:
Plastic surgery improves job opportunities. Unfortunately, your physical appearance can influence your job placement and advancement. By removing years of skin and fat, it may be possible to be promoted to a better and higher-paying job.
Wear better clothes. Unfortunately, being overweight can limit your choices for clothing. By getting rid of excess skin and fat, a vast array of new clothes is now within grasp. The choice of clothing stores has increased in number, and more clothing styles may be available. Now you might finally be able to buy clothes off the rack. Perhaps you can finally wear tank tops or short sleeve shirts or that dress you had in the closet for years.
Look at me now. Many patients have plastic surgery to reward themselves with their weight loss achievements and capture the attention of onlookers. Plastic surgery can be the crowning achievements to show others, “look what I have accomplished.”
Puts the past behind you. There are many reasons why a person gains weight, and there are many reasons why a person loses weight. By losing weight and having plastic surgery, a person can put the past behind themselves and move on. For some, plastic surgery can be viewed as a “reset” button.
Helps to complete your weight loss journey. Many have struggled their entire lives with chronic weight issues. Unfortunately, for many patients, losing weight is only part of the problem. After weight loss, many patients are left with redundant rolls of excess skin and fat. Permanently getting rid of the fat and skin with plastic surgery can help you to finally cross the finish line and complete your weight loss journey.
Plastic surgery is a self-reward for your weight loss. Many patients reward themselves with plastic surgery as a gift to themselves for having lost the weight. Plastic surgery can act as a motivator for weight loss.
Plastic surgery improves the ability to interact with others. Plastic surgery can finally get rid of stubborn skin and fat and, by so doing, physically remove a barrier that had been in place, preventing you from doing certain activities such as dancing at a wedding, riding on the bus, playing with your grandchildren, and jumping on the trampoline; these are actual activities noted by some of my patients.
Just fit in. Some people have plastic surgery to get noticed. Some people have plastic surgery to fit in. Because of their obesity, many overweight patients become the center of attention when they walk into a room. Many previously, overweight patients just want to enter a room unnoticed. Many formerly overweight patients just want to be normal and part of the crowd.
Attract relationships. Many patients have plastic surgery to bring attention to themselves. Many patients have plastic surgery to attract others for romantic relationships.
Plastic surgery improves self-esteem. The main psychological reason people have plastic surgery after weight loss is to feel better about themselves. By finally ridding yourself of your excess skin and fat, your self-confidence may soar. By shedding that weight and skin, you can be free of your past and look more confidently toward the future.
This is a 59-year-old female patient who weighed 352 pounds. She had gastric bypass surgery and lost 160 pounds. She underwent a 360 circumferential body lift and is living a full life now!

So, there you have the Ten 10 Medical and Top 10 Psychological Reasons to have plastic surgery. Are your reasons here? Is this what your list would be, or do you have other reasons?
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![]() | ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. J. Timothy Katzen is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and is the President of the American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons. Dr. Katzen specializes in reconstructive plastic surgery after massive weight loss. He has written many articles and given lectures around the world about how to perform plastic surgery on patients who have undergone massive weight loss. Dr. Katzen has plastic surgery offices in two different states and two different countries. Specifically, he has offices in Beverly Hills (California), Las Vegas (Nevada), and Dubai (United Arab Emirates). Read more articles from Dr. Katzen! |