Hope For The Obesity Epidemic?
February 22, 2013Hope For The Obesity Epidemic?
by Tammy J. Colter, Editor-In-Chief, OH Magazine
For years, obesity amongst American's has been at epic proportions and showing little, if any, signs of reversing. The expanding waistlines of American's has been blamed on numerous factors: sedentary lifestyles, super-sized meals, sugary sodas and foods, cheap fast food, environmental changes, food additives, the lack of education and prevention programs, and the list goes on.
With more and more media attention being placed on America as a fat nation, healthcare professionals, social media, and parents alike have been focusing on ways to curb the obesity epidemic and that focus may just be paying off. New research is providing us with a glimmer of hope for the years to come. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers found that American children consumed fewer calories in 2010 than they did 10 years ago. To be precise, boys consumed seven percent less calories and girls consumed four percent less. Research also shows that adults are consuming fewer calories from fast foods, down two percent from 2006.
Small changes I know. But it's a step in the right direction. We must continue to fight the hard fight against obesity through education and empowerment.
Yes, there is hope for a future slimmer America and together we can help to make that happen.