Goal Of The Month: Fit Comfortably On Amusement Park Rides
April 11, 2013There is something magical about visiting an amusement park. It's as if you are entering another world...a world that includes one incredibly fun, big playground for children and adults alike. You can embark on adventures through tunnels and rides that sometimes tell a story and experience exhilarating roller coasters. You can view spectacular scenery from way up high, spend time with family and friends, and escape reality and the stresses of every day life. Some couples have even gotten married in an amusement park.
But it is not always fun and games for everyone.
When one cannot comfortably walk through the turn stiles, fit on a ride, or simply walk the premises without tiring, it can be very disheartening not to mention alienating So, it's no surprise that one of the most common goals throughout the weight loss journey is to be able to fit on an amusement park ride or to feel the adrenaline rush of riding a roller coaster.
Goal: Fit Comfortably On Amusement Park Rides
Over 271 OH members are currently working towards this goal and 123 members have reached their goal. What a great non-scale victory to work towards and to achieve!
Here's what some members who have achieved their goal to fit comfortably on an amusement park ride have to say:
I went to Sea World in San Antonio Texas, I fit on all the rides without a bit of concern. It felt awesome to enjoy myself and do whatever I wanted.-Christina F.
I went to Six Flags & was able to fit on each ride w/o any problems. It felt weird b/c mentally, I'm still morbidly obese.-MsNekah324
I went to Disney and was able to get on the rides without receiving that look from people wondering if I was going to fit. I loved it.-BigSarge
A little bit of a funny story... I have been morbidly obese for years, to the point that I stopped going to amusement parks after having been asked to get off of a few rides due to my size.
A few months ago we took our 2 year old to Sea World in San Antonio and in the Sesame Street Bay of Play there are several "kiddie rides" that she wanted to go on. My husband didn't want to take her and I felt obligated as her mommy. I was having some anxiety attacks waiting in the line and as we boarded the first ride, I got her all seated and stood there waiting for the ride attendant to pull down the lap bar so that I could sit and pull my "gut" over the bar so that I would fit in the ride. He pulled the lap bar down while I stood there in front of the seat holding my "belly" up and I went to slide in and slide right down with SEVERAL inches between me and the bar. He then looked at me like I was NUTS because of the look of complete confusion on my face. I felt AMAZING!-Kimberly D
Is fitting comfortably in amusement park rides one of your goals or have you achieved this goal? We would love to hear from you! Share your stories below.
Celebrate Your Non-Scale Victory At The ObesityHelp National Conference
You can celebrate reaching your goal of fitting comfortably on an amusement park ride at our ObesityHelp National Conference in Anaheim, CA. on October 4th and 5th. The conference will be held at the Crown Plaza which is just minutes from Disneyland! Purchase your tickets early for a chance to win two tickets to Disneyland! Click here to register today!
Do you have another goal to share with the OH community? Click here.