Focus on Halloween Fitness: Trick or Treating Walking Tips
October 17, 2012Trick or Treating Walking Tips
Halloween witches and ghosts can fly around on this spooky holiday but most of us with children and grandchildren will most likely be doing a lot of walking. As you know, walking is an excellent exercise for helping you to lose or maintain weight loss so why not incorporate a few things to make your night of walking a little easier, more interesting, and fun? Here are 5 ideas/tips that you might like:
- Download a walking APP to your phone and map and measure your route. Some walking APPS also allow you to keep track of the calories burned. Your phone might even have a free APP already installed!
- Bring a long your pedometer and have your little ones wear one two and count the number of steps you have each taken this Halloween night.
- Your children or grandchildren are sure to be running from door-to-door! You might want to bring a walking stick or two and try to walk a faster pace then you usually would.
- Take time to do the ‘monster slide” along the trick or treating route. Walking sideways burns 78% more calories than when you are walking forward. And the kids will find it fun too!
- If the costume permits, make sure you and your loved ones are wearing comfortable, breathable shoes and socks.
Have fun with your little (or big) ghouls and goblins and have a wicked, safe Halloween!
-Photo courtesy of hanna_horwarth