Fitness IQ: Take The Quiz!
November 7, 2012Fitness IQ: Take The Quiz!
How much do you really know about fitness?
1. True or False: You will burn fat faster if you work out on an empty stomach.
2. True or False: Getting more than six hours of sleep each night helps you lose weight.
3. True or False: You should not include strength training in your exercise regiment until after you have lost weight.
4. True or False: You can break your workouts up throughout the day into smaller segments (at least 10 minutes each) and achieve the same benefits.
5. True or False: You should drink eight ounces of water every 15-20 minutes during a workout.
6. True or False: Mornings are the best time to workout.
7. True or False: Cardio exercise burns more calories than weight lifting.
8. True or False: Exercise is a natural antidepressant.
Answers below!
1. False. Working out on an empty stomach could lead to low blood sugar which can cause nausea and the spins. (Eat a little protein before working out!)
2. True. According to studies, your body produces more fat burning hormones when you get more sleep.
3. False. Whether you are wanting to lose weight, just maintain it, or build muscle, strength training is an essential part of good fitness.
4. True. Short spurts of exercise, when they accumulate, have been shown to share similar benefits of longer workouts.
5. True. You should drink eight ounces of water every 15-20 minutes when exercising. The average person loses one quart (32 ounces) of water through sweat. It is also recommended that you drink water before and after exercise.
6. False. Working out in the morning might give you that extra boost but any time is best when it comes to exercise.
7. False. All though cardio exercise is excellent, weight training builds lean muscle to help increase your metabolism and keep weight off.
8. True: Exercise increases the production of serotonin, also known as the happy hormone. Serotonin also helps to increase mental concentration.
9. False: Although both strenuous and non- strenuous exercise reduce stress, blood pressure, and anxiety, when it comes to weight control, moderate exercises are just as effective as vigorous exercises.
10. True. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. Therefore, if you drop 500 calories a day from your diet you will easily be able to lose one pound a week.
Sources: Fittipdaily.com, erinhuggins.com
-Feature photo #1 courtesy of Cheffranden