Exergames Compared To Traditional Exercise

June 4, 2014

by Fitness Intern Jasmin Headen-Carolinas HealthCare System

As technology continues to advance, the world of exercise and the technology we use continues to grow as well. Within the last few years game systems known as the Nintendo WiiTM and Xbox® Kinect have become popular in many homes as a means of exercise. The idea of using a game system to exercise is brilliant. It is very convenient for adults and children, and in the long run cheaper than paying a monthly fee to attend a gym.

Even though the idea of using various workout games is popular, accommodating, and purposeful we must ask: How effective these games are compared to using a piece of equipment such as the treadmill, elliptical, attending a fitness class, or walking? and which exercise video games are the best choices?

The Nintendo WiiTM and Xbox® Kinect exercise games can be used to improve strength and endurance and promote weight loss. Some games are more effective than others. The most effective exergames are found to be the ones that combine strenuous physical activity with entertaining game play as opposed to playing a video game simply for the fun aspect of it without emphasizing the physi- cal activity component. Choosing the correct games to receive the most benefit is important because the main purpose of exercising with the games is ultimately to raise your heart rate like traditional exercise does. Many games offer goal setting and customizing routines to target different areas of the body or doing a full body circuit routine.

For the Nintendo WiiTM, some great choices for exercise include Just Dance, EA Sports Active, WiiTM Fit Plus, and The Biggest Loser. For the Xbox® Kinect some effective exercise games are Nike + Kinect Training, Zumba Rush, Dance Central, or Your Shape Fitness Evolved. These exer games are great at encouraging more aerobic activity as well as increasing motivation that one may not receive while participating in traditional modes of exercise.

Some games that are not as effective in burning calories are the original WiiTM Sports, WiiTM Fit, or Kinect Adventures. These specific games do not promote constant movement which results in an ineffective increase in heart rate. More specifically, these games do not promote the physical activity component that is needed to be considered exercise. Continuing to be active or increasing overall activity is not always easy but is a necessity in being healthy. Exergames are a great alternative to exercise as long as the proper effective games are used. In all, exergames are a great option. They give you variety in your exercise routine and you can have fun at the same time.