childhood obesity

Exercise Tips For Your Body And Soul

March 27, 2013

by Tammy J. Colter

Getting Back On Track!

Exercising helps to improve our physical and mental health.  It helps to ease our stress and anxiety, boosts our energy levels, improves symptoms of depression, and relieves us of numerous health problems.  So why do we sometimes let ourselves get off track?

Well, sometimes life just doesn't cooperate!  We get sick. We get busy. Our schedules change, family responsibilities change, and the cold winter months can leave us less than ambitious.  Simply put, we sometimes  jump off the motivation train and let exercise take a back seat.

The good news can easily get back on track and ride that motivation train again!  You are the true engineer of your body and soul and you can do anything you set your mind to!

Now that spring is here and better weather is ahead of us, there are plenty of reasons to get motivated and energized and to get out there and get our exercise routines back on track. Here are eight tips to remember along the way:

Exercise Tip #1

Set attainable goals. Make a commitment to your body.  Whether you set daily exercise goals, weekly goals, or even monthly goals…set goals that are within your reach.  Research has proven that when you set realistic goals, you are more likely to meet them.

Exercise Tip #2

Select shoes that support. Make sure you have comfortable walking shoes that offer you the right amount of support.  Wearing the wrong shoes can cause blisters and pain and put a complete stop to your exercise routine.

Exercise Tip #3

Find an exercise that you enjoy.  You are more likely to stay on track when you enjoy the exercises you are performing. If you love gardening, dancing, playing basketball, or yoga...make time for those activities. Perhaps one of your favorite hobbies will help you to get your daily exercise in!  As an example, a nature photographer has to walk, bend, squat, and move to get just the right photo.

Exercise Tip #4

Schedule your workouts.  You make appointments to get your hair done, to see your doctor, and for various other reasons.  So why not schedule time for your workouts?

Exercise Tip #5

Find an exercise buddy.  A workout partner focused on similar goals can help to motivate you and keep you on track.

Exercise Tip #6

Mix it up!  It is easy to get bored when you perform the same old exercises day in and day out.  Incorporating different fitness activities into your routine helps to lower the risk of injury and allows you to exercise different muscles.

Exercise Tip #7

Write it down!  Mark your calendar or journal your accomplishments.  A visual display of your accomplishments can be very motivating.  Your OH profile is a great place to start!

Exercise Tip #8

Exercise safely.  Don’t over do it. Know what your body can handle and make slow increases only when you feel your body can take it to the next fitness level.  Also, if you are an outdoor runner, walker, or bicyclist, know your surroundings and always carry your identification, a cell phone, and avoid wearing headsets.

Do you have any back on track tips to share?