Diana Vogel, MS, MFT Intern Joins The ObesityHelp National Convention
July 16, 2013Come Meet Diana At The OH National Conference!
As a bariatric patient herself, Diana brings a lifetime of knowledge and personal experience melded with her professional experience as a therapist. She is passionate about working with bariatric patients on their journey to health. She stays active in bariatrics through Support Groups for Pacific Bariatrics, she also integrates the specialty of weight loss surgery support into her general practice. She knows firsthand that the key to long term success after weight loss surgery starts with the emotional work.
In addition to her passion for bariatrics, Diana is a certified Domestic Violence Counselor and holds a Master of Science in Marriage, Family, Child Therapy. She has provided counseling and therapy to various populations, with a myriad of needs. From working with woman prisoners, domestic violence shelters, youth organizations and private practice specializing in couples and individual therapy, interpersonal struggles and stress management. She is currently a fourth year Doctorate Candidate with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy at the California School of Professional Psychology in Irvine California.
Visit Diana Vogel MFTI & stay in touch on Facebook!
Diana’s Five Success Keys
1. Stress and Anxiety management
2. Learning to navigate and incorporate family & friends into the process
3. Processing emotions brought on by the surgery and learning to embrace the new you
4. Introducing and learning new coping skills to combat emotional eating
5. Learning to eat for nutritional value, and not with our eyes, sense of smell, habits and or routines/rituals
Breakout Session: Learning to Recognize and Combat Complacency
Saturday, October 5th 2:30 am – 3:20 am, Location: Mazatlan AI
In this session, Diana Vogel, MS, MFT Intern will reveal ways that you can recognize complacency so that it doesn’t become an obstacle in maintaining your long term post-op success. She’ll also give you strategies to combat complacency if it does occur! You’ll recognize when you’re getting too comfortable, giving up, slipping into old habits, losing focus or letting your guard down. She’ll give you actionable tips and inspiration to help you create a plan for recognizing and combating complacency, you’ll learn how to stomp out regain if it begins creeping in so that you can stay healthy for the long haul.
Professional Q&A Panel
Saturday, October 5th 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm, Location: Mazatlan Ballroom
You’ll be able to ask Diana questions at Saturday’s live Q&A Panel.