
constipation fiber article

Constipation After WLS and 10 High-Fiber Foods to Keep You Going

April 17, 2017 · 0 comments

One of the biggest, most common issues bariatric patients deal with is constipation after WLS. Constipation means your bowel movements are happening less often than normal or it is difficult to expel waste from our bodies. Most people will experience constipation sooner or later, and although it is not usually

10 Ways to Control Your Appetite

10 Ways That You Can Control Your Appetite After Bariatric Surgery

April 12, 2017 · 0 comments

The biggest key to success in any undertaking is self-discipline. Whether your goal is to save $500 each month, learn a new language, or lose 50 pounds, self-control will see you through. However, constant hunger is distracting to even the most disciplined. Literally. Hunger can lead to decreased concentration, light-headedness,

NEWt Protein Supplements After Weight Loss Surgery-

A Helpful Guide for Understanding Protein Supplements After Weight Loss Surgery

March 30, 2017 · 0 comments

Have you ever felt overwhelmed looking for protein supplements after weight loss surgery at the store or online? You’re not alone! The protein supplement industry is huge. According to Euromonitor International, a trend monitoring organization, consumers spend 16 billion dollars per year on protein products. It’s nice to have options

10 Strategies to Make Grocery Shopping a Success

10 Strategies to Make Grocery Shopping a Success

March 24, 2017 · 0 comments

Many who have undergone WLS can attest to the fact that tasks involving food that were relatively simple prior to surgery may not be so simple afterward. This can also be the case for grocery shopping. It can be difficult to know what and how much to buy on each

Slider Foods

What are Slider Foods & Should I be Wary of Them?

March 2, 2017 · 0 comments

In the world of weight-loss surgery, there are a lot of words and phrases that can sound pretty strange very quickly. To an outsider, words like “dumping” or “slider” may even seem a little alarming! We use acronyms like VSG and WLS and NSV. Someone new to bariatric living might

vegan featured

To Be Vegan…or Not To Be Vegan

February 8, 2017 · 0 comments

This is a question that has been an ongoing, central topic in the world of nutrition.  It is a topic that incorporates humanity, belief, science, culture and personal preference.  If a person decides to live on only plant-based foods, is that enough? Will plant-based foods give a person everything they

carb sensitive featured

What Is Carb Sensitivity and How To Know If You Have It

February 3, 2017 · 0 comments

It seems like the latest buzz is always about carbs! Some say all carbs are bad. Others say there are some good carbs, but only those with a low glycemic index. And what about the health-promoting resistant starches, a carb that is contained in legumes and pasta to help you

weekend eating

10 Ways to Keep Your Weekend Eating on Track

January 27, 2017 · 0 comments

Note: This article "10 Ways to Keep Your Weekend Eating on Track" contains some recommendations concerning types of foods to be included in your diet. If you have had weight loss surgery, please first and foremost follow the guidelines and recommendations provided to you by your surgeon and/or dietitian. You

bariatric vitamins 4

Are Bariatric Vitamins Best for WLS Patients?

January 13, 2017 · 0 comments

Are Bariatric Vitamins Best for WLS Patients? Bariatric vitamins and vitamin supplementation often causes a lot of confusion after surgery.  There is an entire industry of vitamin manufacturers that focus exclusively on postoperative weight loss surgery patients.  While this industry meets a very important need, it also contains players who

commercial weight loss progras

Yay or Nay: Commercial Weight Loss Programs For Regain?

January 6, 2017 · 0 comments

"Regain" is the word that all post-ops fear to experience. Unfortunately, it is a normal physiological response to extreme weight loss, as well as a side effect of slipping back into old habits. But what help is out there for those of us struggling with regain? Take a look at