
Nutrition Label

What Does That Nutrition Label Mean?

July 2, 2018 · 0 comments

Many believe that interpreting a nutrition label is like reading ancient hieroglyphics. You have to try to decipher these numbers and percentages as well as vitamins you’ve never heard of. Why are there three different numbers for fats? Is fiber a carbohydrate? What is considered too much sugar per serving?

glycemic index for wls

How To Use Food Choices & Glycemic Index for WLS Success

June 6, 2018 · 0 comments

How To Use Food Choices & Glycemic Index for WLS Success: Have you ever noticed that some foods, meals, or snacks leave you feeling fuller longer, while others leave you feeling hungrier than before you ate the food?  You may be aware of some of the reasons for the difference

6 Steps to Decode & Understand a Nutrition Facts Label

May 25, 2018 · 0 comments

The first time you look at a nutrition facts label it can be dizzying. What do all those numbers mean? What should you be looking for? If you have undergone or considering weight loss surgery, it is important to understand the information on nutrition labels to help make informed decisions

dieting after WLS 2

Are You Still Dieting After WLS? Nix Dieting By Eating Healthy!

May 21, 2018 · 0 comments

When meeting patients for their initial consultation for bariatric surgery one of the first things I tell them is: This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. The word “diet” is often associated with a temporary and often restrictive way of eating. No Need for Dieting After WLS! There are

Over-Eating After Weight Loss Surgery

Get OVER Over-Eating After Weight Loss Surgery

April 25, 2018 · 0 comments

The good news is that you have had weight loss surgery (WLS)! You have made the best decision of your life to choose to be  “healthy”! Sure, not every day is a perfect day. How can we expect or maintain that for ourselves? Realistic, obtainable goals, is the better option.

Water Soluble Vitamins b9 b12 c 2

The Science of Supplementation: Water Soluble Vitamins, Part 3

April 9, 2018 · 0 comments

In this article, I will introduce you to the final three water-soluble vitamins. To recap, water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water and are lost through bodily fluids. Because our body cannot properly store or recycle these water-soluble vitamins, we need to make sure that we consume them in our diet and

Healthy Eating and Weight Loss 1 2

Focus on Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Will Happen!

April 1, 2018 · 0 comments

Whether you’re having weight loss surgery, have had surgery, or are trying to lose weight by other methods, we all know that it is no simple task. Many factors are involved in the process of weight loss as well as weight maintenance. In fact, many find the challenge of maintaining

Pouch Satiety After Bariatric Surgery

6 Steps to Keep Pouch Satiety After Bariatric Surgery

March 21, 2018 · 0 comments

Are you struggling with pouch satiety after Bariatric Surgery? You're not alone, check out these 6 steps to keep pouch satiety! Weight loss surgery (also known as bariatric surgery) is an excellent tool. The surgery can help reduce the overall volume of food consumed through the restrictive nature of reducing the

Sugar Alcohols & WLS 2

Sugar Alcohols & WLS … the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

March 14, 2018 · 0 comments

Sugar alcohols are a mix of sugar and alcohol (hence the name), but they do not act as either sugar or alcohol inside of your body. They are found naturally in fruits and vegetables like apples, apricots, peaches, plums, watermelon, and green bell peppers. Sugar alcohols used in foods and

syntrax nectar samples feb2018

Syntrax Nectar Samples Bundle Sale – Includes All 17 Flavors!

March 1, 2018 · 0 comments

This post is sponsored by Bariatric Nutrition 20% Off, One Week Only with Promo Code! Don't miss out on BariatricNutrition's best seller, the Syntrax Nectar Samples Bundle! This sample bundle is a fantastic way to try out all 17 flavors without having to commit to a giant tub of protein