Health & Wellness

WOW Moments After Weight Loss!

October 11, 2012 · 0 comments

WOW moments! Congratulations to each of these amazing OH members who have shared some of their favorite WOW moments with us. You have worked so hard to lose and maintain your weight loss. You deserve these Wow moments and many more in the years to come.. We’re so proud of

ObesityHelp Atlanta Event 2012 Photos!

October 9, 2012 · 0 comments

Lots of fun was had at the ObesityHelp Atlanta event this month.  We have almost 700 photos for your viewing pleasure! Fashion Show Look at these gorgeous and handsome OH'ers!  A great time was had by all in Atlanta!  Some ObesityHelp Atlanta Fashion Show Pics have been uploaded, please tag


The Three T’s of Halloween: Tricking, Treating, & Transforming

October 9, 2012 · 0 comments

Halloween can be full of scary things such as ghosts, goblins, and CANDY! The temptation of candy lurking in kids' trick-or-treat bags or dreading leftover candy is especially scary to anyone trying to lose or maintain weight loss. While Halloween temptations might be around every corner, don't forget this time

Scale Obsession- What Does Your Weight Loss Compare To?

October 8, 2012 · 0 comments

Are you like many OH members and WLS patients who have a love/hate relationship with scale obsession?  You know what I mean.  You weigh yourself each day, sometimes a few times a day, and are obsessed with what the numbers staring back at you reflect or do not reflect. Let's


October 8, 2012 · 0 comments

You can do anything you set your mind to!  We can all use a little inspiration from time to time. What or who inspires you?    

Help Your Kids with a Family Focus on Fitness

October 8, 2012 · 0 comments

by Erin Light, ACSM-CPT, CLFC Fitness Coach for Flourish!   Families are facing new challenges now with the proliferation of media entertainment and limited physical education programs in schools; parents are now searching for ways to encourage kids to embrace more physical activity. With so many sedentary "play" options like video

Tips to Tame Sugar Cravings

10 Tips to Tame Sugar Cravings

October 5, 2012 · 0 comments

For as long as I can remember, I have gravitated toward anything sugary and I've had to find ways to tame sugar cravings. The pitfalls of sugar are that the more we eat it, the more we want. Why do we crave sugar? Sugar is a carbohydrate but nutritionally void,

childhood obesity 1

10 Important Strategies to Help Beat Childhood Obesity

October 3, 2012 · 0 comments

10 Important Strategies to Help Beat Childhood Obesity by Tammy J. Colter, Editor-In-Chief, OH Magazine Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years and today, nearly one in three children in America are overweight or obese. Many experts blame the obesity epidemic on our lifestyle changes throughout

Daily Health Tip: Capsaicin To The Rescue!

September 29, 2012 · 0 comments

Do you have sore muscles and joints?  Try applying a cream that consists of capsaicin two or three times a day.   Capsaicin is actually an active ingredient found in chile peppers and the heat from the peppers has proven to help relieve muscle and joint pain.

10 Great Reasons Why You Should Walk

September 29, 2012 · 0 comments

10 Great Reasons Why You Should Walk Walking is more than just a way to get from point A to point B!  Here are 10 great reasons why you should walk each day: Walking helps to control joint swelling and pain from arthritis It is a low impact way to