Health & Wellness

9 Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

March 4, 2013 · 0 comments

According to the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, over one million people in the US suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).  Worldwide, the disease affects over 17 million individuals.  It is not known for sure what brings on the debilitating and challenging disorder but the theories range from viral infections,


Hope For The Obesity Epidemic?

February 22, 2013 · 0 comments

Hope For The Obesity Epidemic? by Tammy J. Colter, Editor-In-Chief, OH Magazine For years, obesity amongst American's has been at epic proportions and showing little, if any, signs of reversing. The expanding waistlines of American's has been blamed on numerous factors:  sedentary lifestyles, super-sized meals, sugary sodas and foods, cheap

hair wls

Post-Op Healthy Hair & Skin

February 18, 2013 · 0 comments

Post-Op Healthy Hair & Skin The number one concern from my patients before weight loss surgery is usually related to their hair and how to keep it on their heads. They either had a friend or know someone who knows someone whose hair fell out after surgery. My usual response

Couch Potato

Don’t Raise A Couch Potato!

February 18, 2013 · 0 comments

Don't Raise A Couch Potato! Tips and activities to keep kids on the move! Keeping kids active at an early age can set the precedent for their activity level later in life. Starting a pattern of enjoyable, rewarding activities early on and sparking a child's imagination can help them associate

Getting The Desires Of Your Heart

February 13, 2013 · 0 comments

Getting The Desires Of Your Heart As a Life Empowerment Coach whose focus is to help people create their life dreams, one question I am continually asked is, “How do we manifest our desires?” Meaning, how do we get the love we want? How do we get the job and

Test Your Sleep Disorder IQ

February 12, 2013 · 0 comments

Test Your Sleep Disorder IQ How much do you know about sleep disorders? Take our quick quiz to find out! True or False? Alcohol abuse and certain drug use can be attributed to snoring. There are 11 types of sleep disorders. People who have sleep apnea can stop breathing several

American Heart Month: 5 Heart Attack Symptoms To Look For

February 11, 2013 · 0 comments

American Heart Month: 5 Heart Attack Symptoms To Look For February is not only the month for Valentines Day and showing your true love how you feel about them, it is also American Heart Month which allows for a special focus on heart disease symptoms and healthy heart awareness. According

Host A “Support Our Friends” Fitness Party!

January 23, 2013 · 0 comments

Host A "Support Our Friends" Fitness Party! by Tammy J. Colter, Editor-In-Chief OH Magazine Years ago, I decided to host a Support Our Troops party.  I went out and bought red, white, and blue decorations, party favor size American flags, and everything that screamed USA that I could find and

Xtreme Eating Awards: The Losers Are…

January 17, 2013 · 0 comments

Xtreme Eating Awards:  The Losers Are... Did you know that there is a nonprofit organization called the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)?  Well, there is!  CSPI is a consumer advocacy organization that was founded in 1971.  Its  primary focus is on food safety, nutrition and health, and

OH Magazine Online: Share your Articles, Blogs, Recipes, and More!

January 15, 2013 · 0 comments

OH Magazine Online: Share your Articles, Blogs, Recipes, and More! As previously announced, OH Magazine has made the transition from print to digital and all articles are now available for Free online.   To view articles, videos, photos and more, just go to and click on ARTICLES on the toolbar