Health & Wellness

Nutrition Apps

The Power of Nutrition Apps: Tips on Which Apps to Try

May 20, 2024 · 0 comments

Este artículo también está disponible en español. Haz clic aquí para leer la versión en español.Losing weight is challenging, nothing about it is easy, right? So, in order to face the challenge, try utilizing some health and nutrition apps to motivate you by providing you with practical tools and resources. As

Food Tracking

The ABCs of Food Tracking: Weighing the Benefits

April 29, 2024 · 0 comments

Food tracking: you either love it or hate it. If you are a hater, read on with an open mind. Most of the lifestyle habits that we put in place for a successful journey post-weight loss surgery are about mindset. Let’s think about food tracking as just another tool in

Strategies For A Healthy Spring

6 Strategies For A Healthy Spring

April 10, 2024 · 0 comments

Spring is the season of new beginnings. As the landscape begins to change, to awaken and blossom, and as animals emerge from hibernation, it’s a new season and a time of transition and renewal. Spring is also a great time to rejuvenate your health and well-being after the long winter

Good For Your Heart

14 Foods That Are Good For Your Heart

February 5, 2024 · 0 comments

With heart disease being the leading cause of death in the United States for both men and women, February is known not only for Valentines Day but also as American Heart Month. Since 1964, American Heart Health Month has put a national spotlight on the seriousness of heart disease and

Beyond the BMI

Beyond the BMI – Better Tools for Obesity Assessment

January 15, 2024 · 0 comments

Historically, the most common weight evaluation tool has been the longstanding Body Mass Index (BMI). This rudimentary equation (a person's weight divided by height) was created in the 1800s to measure basic life expectancy and later adopted by life insurance companies in the 1900s to gauge if you were too

Halloween Tips

7 Spooktacular Articles Filled with Halloween Tips and Tricks!

October 30, 2023 · 0 comments

With haunted houses, spooky mazes, pumpkin patches, and kids and adults of all ages dressing up in their favorite costumes, Halloween is one of the most fun and exciting times of the year. It’s a magical time of imagination and creativity…and lot’s of candy. But you can still stay on

Interested or Committed

Weight Loss: Interested or Committed?

October 16, 2023 · 0 comments

Weight Loss: Interested or Committed? Too often, people are INTERESTED in losing weight, but are not COMMITTED to losing weight. Achieving success in anything in life requires both INTEREST and COMMITMENT. It is the difference between success and failure. Interested or Committed? Most people are interested in losing weight. Many

love of carbs

How To Break Free From Your Love of Carbs

October 9, 2023 · 0 comments

Introduction Carbohydrates, the primary source of energy for our bodies, often get a bad rap. While not all carbs are created equal, it's easy to find ourselves craving foods high in simple sugars and refined grains. If you've been struggling to break free from your love of carbs, read on

Ditch the Diets

Is it Time to DITCH the DIETS?

September 18, 2023 · 0 comments

Is it Time to DITCH the DIETS? I am writing to the person who has tried every diet under the stars, to the person who has done the shakes, pills, fasts, this plan and that with limited success. You may have even tried bariatric surgery with the hope that it

Liver Shrinking Diet

Should You Follow the Liver Shrinking Diet before Surgery?

August 2, 2023 · 0 comments

Stress alert! You’ve made an immense decision and decided to have bariatric surgery. Then, you’re informed that it’s not quite as straightforward as you thought. First, you need to follow the liver shrinking diet, also known as the liver reduction diet. Why? What’s this all about? Let’s lower your stress