Body & Mind

Mind Diet

Is The MIND Diet Helpful To You After Bariatric Surgery?

April 24, 2023 · 0 comments

Really, a diet for your mind? Here we go again. One more diet and one more miracle promise. I don’t blame you if this is exactly what you’re saying to yourself. I am right there with you. Most of the time you would be spot on as diet after diet

Hungry after Weight Loss Surgery

5 Reasons You’re STILL Hungry after Weight Loss Surgery

April 17, 2023 · 0 comments

Weight Loss Surgery is in the rearview mirror but you’re STILL hungry more often than you thought you would be. Why is this happening to you? Obesity has always been considered an outcome of eating too much and with it comes weight bias, shaming, bullying, or the assumption of a

Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal Fatigue: Real Medical Issue or Junk Science?

March 29, 2023 · 0 comments

Feeling stressed out and tired…all the time? Could it be adrenal fatigue? Before you start on a supplement promising to put an end to your adrenal fatigue, is it really a thing or a fake diagnosis? Should you spend your hard-earned cash on those nutrition supplements or keep it? Benefits

Handling Eating and Stress

Handling Eating and Stress: A Recipe for Mindful Eating

March 15, 2023 · 0 comments

It’s important to recognize that the accumulation of multiple triggers can be a set-up—a recipe—for overeating. By understanding the ingredients that make you more vulnerable to eating and stress, you can create a recipe for mindful eating! Recipe for Overeating Ingredients: 1 batch, bag, box, or large plate of food

The Obesity Epidemic:

The Obesity Epidemic: Obesity is a Family Affair

March 8, 2023 · 0 comments

The Obesity Epidemic: It is well known that obesity has been on the rise over the last 50 years. Some of the latest research estimates that over 60% of adults and 30% of children in the United States are now obese or at risk of becoming obese. Consequently, there has

Shame After Compulsive Eating

The Guilt and Shame After Compulsive Eating

March 6, 2023 · 0 comments

Ugh! The guilt and shame that after compulsive eating episodes can be downright debilitating. You promised yourself you wouldn’t engage in that seemingly out-of-control behavior ever again. But you did. And then the equally upsetting berating of yourself occurs. You say (or think) horribly abusive things to yourself, calling yourself

Hormonal Balances

How Hormonal Balances Contribute to Obesity

February 15, 2023 · 0 comments

When thinking about Obesity, one of the main thoughts people may have is “do I have a hormonal problem causing weight gain.” This is a serious and legitimate question with an answer that is very complex. The goal of this article is to take some of the complexity out of

Your Guide to Self-Love

Be Your Own Valentine: Your Guide to Self-Love

February 13, 2023 · 0 comments

Be Your Own Valentine: Your Guide to Self-Love. The relationships we have with ourselves are equally important as the relationships we have with others. Why? Because the relationships we form with ourselves create a foundation for other relationships in life. The more we put into loving ourselves and treating ourselves

Mindful Eating Master

Becoming a Mindful Eating Master

February 8, 2023 · 0 comments

Becoming a Mindful Eating Master: Have you heard the phrase Autopilot Eating? Well, it’s not all that different from driving on autopilot, where we are totally tuned out and disconnected. Most of us completely lack mindfulness when it comes to eating. Eating is something we do on autopilot, or something

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