Body & Mind

Four on the Floor: Self-Care After Weight Loss Surgery

January 9, 2013 · 0 comments

Four on the Floor: Self-Care After Weight Loss Surgery My family spent much of my childhood in the kitchen. It is where we ate, but also where we socialized. It is where I did my homework and where we watched television. It was where I attempted to master the art


WLS: Balance in Recovery Post-Op

January 8, 2013 · 0 comments

WLS: Balance in Recovery Post-Op In this informative video, Dr. Connie Stapleton speaks with ObesityHelp (OH) 2012 Caribbean Cruise event attendees about balance in recovery after weight loss surgery (WLS).  Addictions, cross-addictions, and recovery are important topics to address in the WLS community.  (As well as many other communities, unfortunately!)

Obesity And p62: Are you Missing A Key Protein?

January 7, 2013 · 0 comments

Obesity and p62:  Are you missing a key protein? The obesity epidemic is taking it's toll on the health and well-being of children and adults across our nation.  Like never before, researchers are conducting studies in an effort to find ways to reverse the epidemic and find other factors that

Obesity Paradox: A Little More Fat May Extend Life

January 3, 2013 · 0 comments

Obesity Paradox: A Little More Fat May Extend Life A paradox is an argument that produces an inconsistency, typically within logic or common sense.-Wikipedia Data from approximately 100 past studies, which included almost three million people, has led CDC researchers to conclude that being slightly obese or overweight (and metabolically healthy)

Petition: Keep Kids Off The Biggest Loser

January 2, 2013 · 0 comments

Petition: Keep Kids Off The Biggest Loser Ragen Chastain is a dancer, choreographer, writer, speaker, and fat person- according to her Dances With Fat blog.  She is also an activist who believes everybody of every size should be treated with respect.  So when she heard that season 14 of the

2013: 20 Funny New Year’s Resolutions

January 2, 2013 · 0 comments

2013:  20 Funny New Year's Resolutions When it comes to New Year's resolutions, our family members and friends can get quite creative and even funny with what they resolve to do in the New Year.  Here a few good ones I have heard along the way...Oh, and a few of


Relationships After Weight Loss Surgery: For Better or Worse

December 28, 2012 · 0 comments

Relationships After Weight Loss Surgery: What To Do When Those Closest To You Are More Comfortable With “Worse" We all know that change doesn’t happen in a vacuum; it’s dynamic. As you change, your relationships with those closest to you change too. Yet, most of us are caught by surprise

My Two Favorite Words In Bariatric Surgery: Personal Responsibility

December 26, 2012 · 0 comments

Bariatric surgery will not work unless we resolve the issues and change the bad habits that got us to the point of being morbidly obese. In other words, take personal responsibility to maximize your success with weight loss surgery. People email me all the time regarding the topic of keeping the

Don’t Stress To Eat Less

December 25, 2012 · 0 comments

If you're an emotional eater, stress can be a trigger for you. Stressors are a part of life. When we allow stress to cause us to emotionally eat, we need to create a plan that includes strategies for stress management. For many of us, once we have a plan in

Video: Getting To Goal And Staying There

December 21, 2012 · 0 comments

Getting To Goal And Staying There If you have never been to an ObesityHelp event, you are missing out on some great guest speakers and a lot of support!  Here is a video of bariatric surgeon Dr. Terry Simpson talking to a group of OH'ers about how to get to