Body & Mind

Goal Weight-Now What

You’ve Reached Your Goal Weight – 12 Tips for Maintenance

May 14, 2015 · 0 comments

You've had surgery, lost weight, endured plateaus, eaten healthy, began exercising and you're at your goal weight.  Yea you!  You've reached your goal weight - now what?   You've been focused on losing weight and improved health so now is the time to shift from weight loss to weight maintenance.

Emotional Baggage: Let It Go!

March 12, 2015 · 0 comments

We work hard to lose weight and live a healthier life. We lose pounds, have excess skin removed yet despite the physical transformation and less weight to carry around, many still let pieces of emotional baggage weigh them down. No doubt, years of living affected by obesity rack up quite

Is the Weight on Your Scale Too Important?

February 2, 2015 · 0 comments

What is the relationship between you and your scale?  You may not own a scale, but many of us do.  When we've been overweight and tried umpteen diets, the scale has become a friend and a foe.  We can ignore the scale for long periods of time or step on/off

Don’t Let Holiday Stress Hijack Your Healthy Lifestyle

December 23, 2014 · 0 comments

Holidays are traditionally the time for family get-togethers. During these gatherings, the assumption is that everyone is happy to be together and enjoy each other. For many people, this is the reality of their holiday celebrations. For others, instead of holiday celebrations, it is full of dread and holiday stress.

Cross Addiction

Crossing The Line To Cross Addiction

December 15, 2014 · 0 comments

You've had your weight loss surgery and reached your goal or are well on your way to your weight loss goals. Finally! Shouldn't it be smooth sailing from now on? Then, all of a sudden, you notice some behaviors of cross addiction such as consuming alcohol, gambling or shopping are

body image

You are beautiful. You are perfect…Just as You are

December 9, 2014 · 0 comments

We have become a very judgmental species. We obsess over any imperfection. Magazines with titles like “Get rid of those wrinkles” or “5 steps to the abs you want” fly off shelves. We are competitive and constantly looking at each other and thinking, “Am I bigger? More attractive? Smarter? Who

Food Pushers

It doesn’t have to be a Food Fight with Food Pushers

November 18, 2014 · 0 comments

Chances are there has been a situation where you have felt pressured into eating something that you didn’t want to because either a friend or loved one convinced you that you should have just one, or 20. This is what we like to refer to as a food pusher. Someone

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Are You a Worry Wart?

November 18, 2014 · 0 comments

Are you a worry wart?  Do you find yourself worrying about little things that you have no control?  Have people in your life told you that you worry too much?  Worrying is a normal part of life, however, if you worry about small things that take up a lot of

avoid emotional eating

60 Ways to Avoid Emotional Eating

September 5, 2014 · 0 comments

As a little girl, I was a magician that would rearrange cookies in the cookie jar to cover up how many cookies I'd eaten on the sly. It wasn't just a cute phase or a small blip in my life. I've always struggled with emotional eating and the shame that

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Gym

August 20, 2014 · 0 comments

Often when a person decides to incorporate more exercise into their lives they join a gym. However, the mere act of signing a contract and getting a membership card does not improve ones health. Initially, the enthusiasm and commitment are there and new members show up to the gym regularly.