Body & Mind

Eat Mindfully

10 Ways to Eat Mindfully for a Healthy Lifestyle

October 20, 2016 · 0 comments

You wake up and it’s time to get yourself, and the kids, ready for another busy day.  You make breakfast for the family, but you don’t have enough time to eat as you frantically glance through your work emails. Into the car you go and the morning drop off starts.

manage weight regain

Weight Regain and the Return of Old Habits

October 13, 2016 · 0 comments

How to Manage Weight Regain Let’s just start with the bottom line. A return of the “old habits” results in the finding of lost weight. You must manage weight regain. We all know what “old habits” means when it comes to the world of the weight loss roller coaster. Your

weight management redo

The Essential Ingredient for Lasting Weight Management

October 10, 2016 · 0 comments

To be successful in your weight loss journey you must know the essential ingredient for lasting weight management. Have you ever felt like my client Tom? "I knew it, it’s over. I’ve blown my weight loss." Tom is more upset and frustrated than I ever seen him before. Formerly 380


How to Find Motivation and 7 Ways to Keep It

October 5, 2016 · 0 comments

Motivation can be found intrinsically or extrinsically.  Intrinsic motivation is gained in performing an act without any tangible rewards.  In other words, intrinsic motivation is engaging in an activity for its own sake. “Extrinsic motivation is defined as engaging in an activity to obtain an outcome that is separable from

food addiction

What Is a Food Addiction and What Can You Do?

September 26, 2016 · 0 comments

Did you know that 95% of non-surgical weight loss attempts fail?  How is that possible? There are countless diet options out there, from Paleo to Weight Watchers, to Jenny Craig, to Ideal Protein—just to name a few.  There are millions of gyms in the United States where you can burn

Relationship With Food

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do – Your Relationship With Food

September 23, 2016 · 0 comments

Why is it so difficult to give up certain foods?  The origins of your relationship with food go back a long way. If your life was a film and we viewed some highlights of it frame by frame, we would see all kinds of situations where you and food were

retrain your brain

5 Steps to Retrain Your Brain for Healthy Habits

September 11, 2016 · 0 comments

Have you ever experienced a distinct smell that reminded you of a special memory? Something you haven’t thought of in years suddenly floods your mind, and for a millisecond, it’s as if you are there? For me, it’s the beach. Just the smell of salty water can bring about a

mindful eating 2

Mindful Eating and The Bariatric Patient

September 8, 2016 · 0 comments

Who has time to be mindful? You might think you already have enough chatter in your head around your eating but, mindful eating is an effective tool for anyone who has battled their weight with chronic dieting. Most diets teach that your appetite and feelings surrounding food are irrelevant to

wls doesnt solve everything featured

WLS Doesn’t Solve Everything

September 8, 2016 · 0 comments

The weight loss surgery (WLS) journey is a very exciting one. Prior to surgery, many patients are extremely happy about the start to their new life.  I have heard patients even use their surgery date as their new birthdate!  WLS can be life-changing. After surgery, many patients enjoy life in

going to the gym 1

5 Reasons You Fear Going to the Gym and What You Can Do!

August 22, 2016 · 0 comments

“I’ll start going to the gym when I lose weight.” This statement, as absurd as it may sound, is one I hear frequently as a group fitness instructor. Unbeknownst to many of the individuals who utter it, there is often a much more complex set of feelings hiding behind this