Body & Mind

tips for compulsive eating melissa bailey

7 Tips to Overcome Compulsive Eating

January 18, 2017 · 0 comments

Weight loss surgery (WLS) is a wonderful thing.  It gives people their life back.  I often hear stories of how people were able to stop all kinds of medications after surgery.  They get their health back.  They can get on airplanes without seat extenders and can finally go to the

exercise article

The Mental and Emotional Benefits You Get From Exercise

January 11, 2017 · 0 comments

Most of us know the long term benefits that come with a healthy lifestyle. We have our own personal goals and activities that we love to do so an exercise program helps to improve our ability enjoy more. The biggest driving factor for me after a long work day or

combat cravings

10 Ways to Combat Cravings & Emotional Eating

January 9, 2017 · 0 comments

Food cravings and emotional eating can be quite challenging when attempting to lose weight. Acting on food cravings and using food to cope with various emotions can lead to overeating and make weight loss or weight loss maintenance difficult. Are you ready to combat cravings and emotional eating? Check out

embracing stress 2

Embracing Stress: Changing Beliefs, Mindsets & Biology

December 9, 2016 · 0 comments

The headlines read - Stress is bad for you! Stress will make you gain weight! Stress will decrease your immune system functioning! Learn how to live a stress-free life! All of these headlines would have us believe that stress is bad and that we need to avoid it at all

control during holidays redo

Make a Plan Today to Control the Holiday Hunger Games!

December 7, 2016 · 0 comments

Let the hunger-games begin! It’s the time of year when your access to food increases like no other time during the calendar year. The holiday season is rich in opportunities to stray off course from the lifestyle you’ve tried to maintain over the past months and years as a WLS

step off track 1

Even Bariatric Surgeons Can Get Off Track

December 5, 2016 · 0 comments

I need help! Under the auspices of having some shelf stable snacks for hiking, I bought a box of chocolate hazelnut-filled energy bars.  Each one has 230 calories and, though touted as being organic and having a low glycemic index, each bar has 27 grams of carbohydrates.  They looked so innocent sitting


Feeling Stressed? 15 Ways To Combat It This Holiday Weekend!

November 24, 2016 · 0 comments

If you're stressed about the Holidays, you aren't alone! It is common to be stressed about the food choices, the abundance of sugary "treats" and relationship dynamics. You can stay on track with your healthy lifestyle and combat your stress so you can enjoy the Holidays. Combat Holiday Eating Stress 12


10 Tips for an Attitude of Gratitude Every Day

November 17, 2016 · 0 comments

Let's have an attitude for gratitude every day! On the fourth Thursday in November, in the U.S., we celebrate Thanksgiving and being grateful. What about the other 364 days in the year? It has been shown that being grateful can improve many parts of your life! Benefits to an Attitude of

food addiction

Food Addiction and How To Gain Control

November 7, 2016 · 0 comments

People talk about it. But, is it a real food addiction? Is it possible to have food addiction control? Certainly, food is essential to human survival but it is also a source of pleasure, enjoyment and often excitement. Highly palatable foods, often rich in sugar, fat, and salt have been discovered


What Exactly is Metabolism & Can You Change It?

November 4, 2016 · 0 comments

Many people blame their weight on a slow metabolism. But, is their slow metabolism really to blame? If a slow metabolism is the cause of your overweight, can you increase your metabolism? Yes, your metabolism has to do with your weight. However, it is the amount of food and beverage