Before & After VSG with Lisa Marie Thomas, losing 118lbs!
April 3, 2018Why I Decided To Have WLS
My journey is not like most overweight people. I entered this world very prematurely back when most babies didn’t survive. Dying before I even had a chance to live several times helped start a journey that was not very healthy.
Growing up I was thin, but not healthy. I was sick so much of the time growing up that I just assumed that was my lot in life. Due to some unwise choices in my young adult life, I began to pollute, defile, break down, and destroy my body. Emotionally and physically, not taking care of myself and allowing myself to be controlled by others which lead to a destructive spiral downward.
Using food, drugs, alcohol, and even sex to try and make me “feel better” proved to be even more destructive to myself.
Depression, unworthiness, regret, shame… birthed a “Bully” in my head. This bully showed up many times over the following years, tormenting me of the impending failure sure to come. Then I had a couple of sexual assaults happen. I decided to “stuff” myself to become unattractive and undesirable.
As my outward size grew and grew, my inner vision of myself stayed on my youthful self. When I would dream at night, I was thin and able to do things. The vision I had of myself, without looking in a mirror, made the outside and the inside not match. Many years of riding this roller coaster, being followed by the bully and sabotaging myself with my actions and choices, led to many weight loss adventures.
I would succeed for a short time and then get right back to where I was and then some. I came to realize, that my ‘dreams’ of myself were not reality. This caused depression, self-doubt, unworthiness… and many, many failures at attempts to get back to the me I saw in my dreams. Only when I started to have other health issues, did I get serious.
When I finally saw my medical chart which listed me as “morbidly obese” did I realize the truth of where I really was and where I was headed if I didn’t make some changes. I applied for ALL of the weight loss shows around, only to be told I wasn’t ‘heavy enough’ and I wouldn’t show drastic results. Inside, I was dying. Outside, I was full of joy and laughter. I was a total fake and no-one even knew it. I made the active choice, to actually “stop looking” at the scale – for me, this was the biggest mistake ever! I no longer had any limits as to what I did or did not eat. I never really ever felt “full”. Worse yet, was when I ate when I didn’t feel hungry. There was definitely NO fullness mechanism when I did that.
Before & After VSG with Lisa Marie Thomas
Name: Lisa Marie Thomas
Total Weight Loss: 118 pounds
Surgery Type: VSG
Date of Surgery: 10/9/16
Surgeon's Name: Dr. Jose Curiel
My Surgery and Post-Op Life
My decision to explore weight loss surgery, came via a “pop-up” on my computer as I typed in other options to lose weight. My research to lose weight found me following weight loss surgery sites, blogs, groups and such. However, here in the states, my insurance wouldn’t even consider me unless I gained at least another 50 pounds. Even then, it was not a guarantee that I would be considered. This led me to Mexico. I followed, researched, and compared several different places that specialized in bariatric surgery in Mexico. I finally found one, through a LOT of prayers, that gave me peace in my heart and soul. I dreamed of being a lighter me, and found a company that had the very same name!
Dr. Curiel turned my life around! The surgery I chose was the Sleeve (VSG vertical gastric sleeve) because of my nearly three years of research. Watching those around us that had different surgeries. Watching their struggles, ups, and downs. Long-term success was my focus and goal. This is the surgery that would work for me. My Hubby has been my biggest supporter and helps through this journey. He has been involved in every step of my transformation, and has been so supportive! There have been some hard moments, emergency room visit, fear that “this didn’t work for me” and MANY times the “Bully” has tried to show up and convince me of lies that only she knows best.
My initial decision to pursue weight loss surgery actually cost me my 44-year friendship with my best friend. We have since reconciled, but it was strained for many months.
I am following what my doctor ordered, and have succeeded in losing 118 pounds. I am at the same weight I was before having children. However, now I am healthy.
I am living life and enjoying the freedom of the boundaries that this “tool” (the sleeve) has given me. Something that I tried many times over to do myself, but could not succeed at. The ‘restriction’ I have with the sleeve, is a boundary to me. This is actually a freedom for my eyes, brain, and body. Limits so to speak.
My surgery experience was a little different than others. Not sure if it was my age or what, but I was a slow healer on the outside as well as on the inside. I was in each of the phases a bit longer than most people. Yes, I compared myself to those who had surgery the same day as I did, which was NOT a good thing to do. However, that is what helped me to see and understand that we all ARE very different, in all aspects of our weight loss journey.
Special Milestones and Non-Scale Victories
My NSV’s range from the very simple joys to the complete freedom and release from the prison I was in, on the inside of my outer shell of a body.
To be able to shower and “clean” my body thoroughly without doing shower gymnastics has been one of my biggest ‘pinch-me’ moments all through this journey!
Being able to sit in normal chairs without the fear of them breaking beneath me – SCORE!
Wearing panties that are cute and sexy, is a dream come true.
I no longer hurt in my back, legs, knees, feet when I walk a mile, or two, or three.
One of my biggest dreams for my life after I'd lost weight was that my husband could just scoop me up in his arms anytime he wanted and whisk me away – well, that happens a LOT now!
I am off all medications, I can actually breathe and no longer need asthma meds. I sleep really well now.
My desire is to help others going through the struggle of self-attack. For those who are trying to decide if surgery is right for them. For those who have had surgery, and are now faced with living life and some of the unexpected things that come after weight loss surgery.
I think I have bruises from pinching myself so much - daily - making sure I am not dreaming! One of the biggest changes since my surgery has been the "Bully" that stalked me on a daily basis, in my thoughts and self-talk, has been nearly completely defeated. I am more confident and not showing a "fake" smile, but TRUE joy and happiness at my transformation.
To be able to be in the middle of activities instead of on the sidelines is a true blessing!
I still have noticeable NSV's every day, just living life and doing things that I could not do, or struggled to try to do. One of the biggest memorable moments: trying on my daughter's dresses and they FIT! Going to department stores and trying on things from their racks, crying with the room attendants at just how small the sizes are! Truly a blessing!!!
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