Before & After VSG with Amanda, losing 120 lbs!
January 8, 2019Why I Decided to Have WLS
I struggled with my weight for my whole life. My struggle with weight loss began in Middle School as I was always heavier, overweight or obese all through school. I constantly wanted to be skinny so I could fit in and not be made fun of or bullied.
Growing up eating fast food due from being on the go and continuing into adulthood with kids of my own, it became my norm to eat out all the time. After high school, I married my high school sweetheart and quickly got pregnant with my daughter. I got so comfortable and gained about 60 pounds with my pregnancy. I had every intention of dieting after I had the baby and then got pregnant with my son. I had never lost the weight from my first pregnancy.
Shortly after having my son, my ex-husband and I made the decision to get divorced. After the divorce was final, I became a single mom and my life got more stressful and crazier as we went from two incomes to one.
I started emotionally eating and the scale just kept going up more and more. As the scale went up the more depressed I became. Even though I saw the scale going up, I did not see myself as obese at all. Everyone told me that I was tall and carried the weight well, and no one thought that I would be considered obese. It was not until I started working for a bariatric surgery center, and discussed my feelings with my co-workers at the time and in my interactions with the patients that we were changing their lives that I thought about my own situation. I went to an appointment with my PCP's office and the scale said that I weighed 280 pounds. I was so ashamed and knew that I needed help.
Before & After VSG with Amanda
Weight loss to date: 120 pounds
Surgery date: November 24, 2014
Surgeon: Dr. Trace Curry
My Surgery and Post-Op Life
I spoke to the surgeon in the office, Dr. Brad Osborne, and we decided to go with the Lap-Band. I had my Lap-Band placed on May 4, 2006, and was so excited for my life to change so I could be healthy for myself but most importantly for my kids and family.
My only support system was my co-workers; everyone else thought I was taking the easy way out. Having weight loss surgery was not easy at all, it was an everyday struggle. With my Lap-Band, I did great for a while I got down to 170 pounds with the help of medical weight loss appetite suppressants.
I was let go from my job at the weight loss center due to downsizing in the company. I was given the opportunity to work for Dr. Trace Curry at the front desk and love it. I slowly started to fail my Lap-Band and abusing it by learning how to eat around it and eating a bunch of stuff that I should not have. My weight came back on faster than I could stop it. I finally realized when I weighed myself again that I needed help when I was back to 280 pounds again.
I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Curry and made the decision to convert from a Lap-Band to a VSG. It was the best decision that I could have ever made for myself. This time around I had more support and my head was in the right place. I was worried that I would still struggle and afraid to gain all of my weight back again. My VSG was done on Monday, November 24, 2014.
Today I am almost 4 years post-op and I am down 120 pounds and holding. I do not see myself as overweight anymore. I have two very active teenagers and I am able to keep up with them. I am blessed to be able to be here for them. I take my multivitamins daily and continue to eat healthy and exercise.
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