Before & After RNY and Plastic Surgery with Stacey, losing 170 pounds!
July 25, 2017Why I Decided to Have WLS
From the time I can remember, food has been a focal point of my life. I love food, adore it actually, but I had an unhealthy relationship with it. It served so many purposes: a comfort when I was sad or lonely, a high note to a celebration, or a source of entertainment when I was bored. Very rarely did I appreciate it for what it was, nourishment for my mind and body.
I was always a chunky kid but slimmed down in high school. When I went away to college, things changed. I began eating out often, comforting myself with unhealthy foods and drinking tons of soda. Little by little over the next few years the pounds piled on, and by the time I had my second child, I gained over 150 pounds. I’m only 5’2” so it was incredibly hard on my body. When tying my shoes became a chore, I knew something needed to be done.
I tried every diet under the sun: Weight Watchers (numerous times), Atkins, South Beach, Slim Fast, my doctor even prescribed Phentermine at one point. Every one of those would help me lose around 20 pounds, but I would gain it all back and plus some. I focused on exercise, I took aerobics classes, worked out at home, but without proper nutrition and calorie restriction, the exercise did not help me with weight loss.
Finally, I had enough! I began looking into weight loss surgery. I did extensive research (especially here on ObesityHelp) and finally decided that it was something I wanted to pursue. I knew that without medical intervention, losing all of the weight would be less plausible. I knew that surgery would not be a “cure” or a magic potion, but I felt that it would give me the tool I needed to rid myself of those excess pounds. I was blessed with medical insurance that covered the surgery, and after six months of weigh-ins and support groups (required by insurance), I was ready to tackle this new journey!
Before & After RNY and Plastic Surgery with Stacey
Total Weight Loss: 170 pounds
Surgery Type: RNY Gastric Bypass
Surgery Date: June 2, 2015
Surgeon: Dr. John Scott
Plastic Surgery Date: April 21, 2017
Plastic Surgery Procedures: Fleur de lis abdominoplasty with muscle and hernia repair
Plastic Surgeon: Dr. John Suber
Having Surgery and Life as a Post-Op
I was nervous about having surgery, but I was so excited to think of the possibility of the benefits of health and weight loss. My surgery was smooth and complication free, thank goodness. I recovered well and began my new life as a weight loss surgery patient.
I followed the guidelines I was given from my surgeon and made sure to stick to my new diet of dense protein and veggies. I checked the ObesityHelp message boards multiple times a day to learn more about how others were dealing with life as post-op patients.
I had a ton of support at home, work, my network of friends, along with friends I had made within the weight loss surgery community. I was very open about my surgery from the moment I decided to pursue it. That is a personal preference, but for me, I wanted to be the one who controlled the information. I did not want others speculating on my weight loss, so I told everyone up front “I had gastric bypass!” Most everyone has been incredibly supportive. They understood my decision and they helped support me as I made this huge leap of faith.
I enjoy speaking to people about WLS. I think there are many incorrect assumptions made by those who are not familiar with the surgery. It is important to me that I share as much as I can to help inform people about WLS. I even have a few friends who are looking into surgery because of my experience. That makes it all worth it. I want to be a good example.
I am now a little over 2 years post-op, and life today is amazing! I have so much more energy! I use to love my couch, I had no desire to get moving. Now I love hiking, exercising, swimming, playing outside with my family and our new dog. I wake up feeling blessed each and every day for this second chance I’ve been given.
After the weight loss, I was left with some excess skin. I recently had plastic surgery with Dr. John Suber; he performed a fleur de lis abdominoplasty. I have recovered well from that surgery and am feeling better than ever!
A Special Milestone
I was able to run an entire 5K without stopping! I was also able to ride roller coasters with my children. That was huge! Hopefully, my next milestone will be riding on an airplane. I have never flown, due to my fear of not fitting in the seat, now I cannot wait to travel!
How has ObesityHelp.com been a part of your journey?
ObesityHelp has been a huge part of my journey. It was the first website I found when I began researching weight loss surgery. The message boards have been invaluable. I don’t post, but I read every day. I am so thankful for the many users and veterans who share their knowledge and experience.
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