Author Archives for ObesityHelp

OH2019 Wrap-Up

OH2019 Wrap-Up: Celebration, Education, and Support!

December 12, 2019 8:54 am Published by 0 comments

Celebration, Education, and Support at OH2019! It's time for the OH2019 Wrap-Up, the 2019 ObesityHelp National Conference was full of celebration, education, and support! A huge and loud shout-out of appreciation and thanks to all of the OH2019 attendees, speakers, sponsors, volunteers, and exhibitors. Your presence made the Conference so

Not a Crutch

Why Bariatric Surgery is NOT a Crutch!

December 11, 2019 9:00 am Published by 0 comments

Bariatric Surgery is NOT a Crutch! Let's compare the fact that bariatric is NOT a crutch and a carpenter building a bookshelf. Imagine a carpenter building a bookshelf. The carpenter gathers all the wood, nails, and tools, but instead of a hammer, the carpenter is given a shoe to hammer

Blog Before After RNY with Michelle M

Before & After RNY with Michelle M., losing 163 pounds!

December 10, 2019 9:00 am Published by 0 comments

Why I Decided to Have WLS I can remember being one of the bigger girls in fifth grade, probably 10-15 pounds more than most of the girls in my class. Being one of the bigger girls continued with the gap getting wider through my adult years. A few months post-pregnancy

Mini Pumpkin Pies

Mini Pumpkin Pies – Great for Sharing!

December 6, 2019 8:50 am Published by 0 comments

These mini pumpkin pies is another great recipe from Hungry Girl! They are great for sharing with family and friends! The recipe makes 12 bite-sized individual servings, each one is only 41 calories. Enjoy the delicious flavors of pumpkin pie at your next get together. Mini Pumpkin Pies Recipe Recipe

Eating Healthy

Is Eating Healthy After Weight Loss Surgery Too Expensive?

December 2, 2019 8:40 am Published by 0 comments

Many things change after weight loss surgery, particularly all things food-related. These changes can be overwhelming and difficult to incorporate into your new lifestyle. Some challenges in eating healthy may include a lack of hunger, difficulty adjusting to the preparation of smaller portions, or feeling like you must eat differently

bariatric surgery thanksgiving survival guide

Bariatric Surgery Thanksgiving Survival Guide

November 27, 2019 9:00 am Published by 0 comments

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time but has challenges with food, relationships, and stress. That's why we created this Bariatric Surgery Thanksgiving Survival Guide to support you. Before bariatric surgery, most of us focused on the food at Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is so much more than food. It is about family, friends,

Exercise and Diabetes

Exercise and Diabetes

November 26, 2019 7:00 am Published by 0 comments

Exercise, or physical activity, includes anything that gets you moving, such as walking, biking, or swimming. Regular physical activity is important for everyone, but it is crucial for people with diabetes and those at risk for diabetes. Diabetes is a problem with your body that causes blood glucose (sugar) levels