Author Archives for ObesityHelp

weight loss

What Does Your Weight Loss Compare To?

February 6, 2013 7:01 pm Published by 0 comments

What Does Your Weight Loss Compare To? Let’s Have Some Fun! You have heard many of your OH friends say things like,  “I have lost 75 pounds, that’s the equivalent of one granddaughter in weight!” What is your weight loss equivalent to? An automobile tire? 260 sticks of butter?  Read

Be Happy, It’s Your Right!

February 5, 2013 6:36 pm Published by 0 comments

What do you want for yourself? Not just that you want to lose weight, be able to move around easier, look great in clothes, have better relationships, or feel better physically; but for the whole of you. How do you want to present yourself to the world? Would you like

Josh And Mariana Met On OH!

January 22, 2013 4:09 pm Published by 0 comments

Josh And Mariana: We Met On OH OH Profiles: Josh and Mariana It all started a few years ago on the 20s message board. Mariana initiated the first contact by commenting on one of my photos. From there, we messaged each other back and forth occasionally for the next year

Xtreme Eating Awards: The Losers Are…

January 17, 2013 9:30 am Published by 0 comments

Xtreme Eating Awards:  The Losers Are... Did you know that there is a nonprofit organization called the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)?  Well, there is!  CSPI is a consumer advocacy organization that was founded in 1971.  Its  primary focus is on food safety, nutrition and health, and

Congratulations Eggface – Silk Holiday Recipe Contest Winner

January 3, 2013 6:50 pm Published by 0 comments

  Congratulations Eggface! We wanted to congratulate Shelly aka Eggface for winning the Silk Holiday Recipe Contest! Many in the ObesityHelp community are familiar with the World According to Eggface and her amazing recipe creations.  She saves the day for us often with her post-op friendly recipes and "a day in


Ten Tips for Battling Food (and Family) Over the Holidays

December 14, 2012 2:22 am Published by 0 comments

Ten Tips for Battling Food (and Family) Over the Holidays 'Tis the season ready or not! The holiday season can be one of the most joyful times of the year with its dazzling colors, familiar music, social gatherings, and yes, food, food and more food! For those who have recently

Recipes For Success: It’s Party Time!

December 13, 2012 11:06 pm Published by 0 comments

The winter months, also known as the party season, bring our families and friends closer together as we celebrate the various holidays and traditions. But the party season also brings in a very busy and hectic schedule for many of us. Need a quick, easy to prepare appetizer recipe to

WLS After 50: Fit And Fabulous At Age 62!

December 7, 2012 2:48 pm Published by 0 comments

WLS After 50:  Fit And Fabulous At Age 62! “At age 53, in 2002, my life and weight had become unmanageable. I had steadily and easily added 10 pounds a year for over 10 years. Do the math on that, and you can see I was over 100 excess pounds.

10 Tips For Reducing Holiday Stress

November 30, 2012 11:11 pm Published by 0 comments

   Holiday stress. Just typing the words results in my muscles tightening as I think of the seemingly never-ending To-Do List associated with the season. After all my years of education about stress reduction, when it comes to the holidays, you would think I hadn't learned a thing about how to keep