February 18, 2013 3:22 am
Published by ObesityHelp
Don't Raise A Couch Potato! Tips and activities to keep kids on the move! Keeping kids active at an early age can set the precedent for their activity level later in life. Starting a pattern of enjoyable, rewarding activities early on and sparking a child's imagination can help them associate
February 15, 2013 3:28 pm
Published by ObesityHelp
SHH...IT’S A SECRET To Tell Or Not To Tell Perhaps you are just starting to think about having weight loss surgery. Maybe you’ve made the decision but haven’t yet had the procedure or you’ve already had surgery and are on the other side of this life-changing decision. No matter where
February 12, 2013 7:00 pm
Published by ObesityHelp
Recently, I got on the scale after noticing that my clothes were feeling (and looking) tighter than I am comfortable with and realized that I had slid right past my “safety zone” into the new (or more truthfully, old) territory. I immediately realized that I had been traveling a lot
February 12, 2013 3:15 am
Published by ObesityHelp
Test Your Sleep Disorder IQ How much do you know about sleep disorders? Take our quick quiz to find out! True or False? Alcohol abuse and certain drug use can be attributed to snoring. There are 11 types of sleep disorders. People who have sleep apnea can stop breathing several
February 9, 2013 2:32 am
Published by ObesityHelp
Bully Alert: Film Critic Rex Reed Calls Melissa McCarthy A "Hippo" and "Tractor-Sized" So I guess film critic Rex Reed didn't like the movie Identity Thief starring Melissa McCarthy and Jason Batemen. And it's quite safe to say he is no fan of the Academy Award nominee Mike and Molly
February 8, 2013 6:58 pm
Published by ObesityHelp
Tender Turkey Meatloaf With Parmesan Mashed Cauliflower by The Skinny Chef, Jennifer Iserloh Serves 4 1 small head of broccoli, florets removed 1/2 cup quick oat (uncooked) 1/4 cup non-fat, skim milk 2 eggs ½ cup Skinny Chef cherry chipotle sauce or low sodium bbq sauce 1 pound ground white
February 6, 2013 11:16 pm
Published by ObesityHelp
Slow Cooking Your Way To An Easy And Healthy Meal by Cassie I. Truran, RD Does this sound like a familiar situation? It’s 5:05 pm, there is a sea of brake lights in front of you and your stomach is trying to remind you, with grumbling noises, that it’s hungry.
February 6, 2013 7:01 pm
Published by ObesityHelp
What Does Your Weight Loss Compare To? Let’s Have Some Fun! You have heard many of your OH friends say things like, “I have lost 75 pounds, that’s the equivalent of one granddaughter in weight!” What is your weight loss equivalent to? An automobile tire? 260 sticks of butter? Read
February 5, 2013 6:36 pm
Published by ObesityHelp
What do you want for yourself? Not just that you want to lose weight, be able to move around easier, look great in clothes, have better relationships, or feel better physically; but for the whole of you. How do you want to present yourself to the world? Would you like
January 22, 2013 4:09 pm
Published by ObesityHelp
Josh And Mariana: We Met On OH OH Profiles: Josh and Mariana It all started a few years ago on the 20s message board. Mariana initiated the first contact by commenting on one of my photos. From there, we messaged each other back and forth occasionally for the next year