Author Archives for ObesityHelp

Managing the Heart & Head After Weight Loss Surgery

Managing the Heart & Head After Weight Loss Surgery

August 21, 2017 7:00 am Published by 0 comments

I recently shared the following post on Facebook: “Weight loss surgery... it's an inside job in two ways! The surgery is done to your innards but the real changes have to come from inside your head and heart!” I thought it was quite funny, and, it’s very true. It is

Key Lime No Bake Premier Protein Cheesecake

Key Lime No-Bake Premier Protein Cheesecake

August 17, 2017 8:53 am Published by 0 comments

This post is sponsored by Premier Protein® . As a WLS-friendly dessert that anyone will enjoy, make this Key Lime No-Bake Premier Protein Cheesecake. This protein cheesecake is a light dessert that's very satisfying. Since it is served in individual cups, it is a portion-controlled dessert that's low in sugar, only 78

cranberry tarragon tuna salad-recipe

Cranberry & Tarragon Tuna Salad Recipe

August 16, 2017 8:00 am Published by 0 comments

If you follow me on Instagram, you will see there's no shortage of "salady" type meals. Egg salad, chicken salad, and tuna salads make up a large group of my go-to's. These proteins can be diced, shredded, and chopped as fine as you need for easier chewing and digesting.  For

exercise after bariatric surgery 1

Exercise After Bariatric Surgery To Lose & Maintain Your Weight

August 14, 2017 8:44 am Published by 0 comments

To exercise after bariatric surgery is important! Obesity is a growing epidemic with more people turning to weight loss surgery as a means for long-term weight loss and improved health after several failed attempts at diet and exercise programs. Unfortunately, bariatric procedures are not the cure all. All weight loss surgery

success after weight loss surgery

8 Strategies For Success After Weight Loss Surgery

August 11, 2017 7:00 am Published by 0 comments

As a bariatric psychologist, I meet daily with patients who are looking to have “success” with their weight loss surgery (WLS). They may have tried other ways to lose weight, and nothing is keeping the weight off. I put “success” in quotes because this term means something different to everyone.