Author Archives for ObesityHelp

goodbye letter to my stomach

A WLS Pre-Op: Break-Up and Goodbye Letter To My Stomach

January 12, 2018 8:00 am Published by 0 comments

Sharing My Personal Goodbye Letter To My Stomach My name is Crystal and I am 45 years old. I am a member of as Crystalcandoit.  I have been struggling with my weight my entire life. I was that overweight child, that became an obese teenager, and then became a

eating off track

How To Bounce Back After Eating Off Track

January 10, 2018 8:00 am Published by 0 comments

Even after weight loss surgery, food choices and eating off track happen. For many, there are still issues with emotional eating that can lead to eating off track more than once in a while. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of poor planning, and succumbing to quick eats. Also, eating off track

Before After Lap-Band with Myra

Before & After Lap-Band with Myra, losing 70lbs!

January 9, 2018 7:00 am Published by 0 comments

Why I Decided to Have WLS Being overweight has always been my life. I remember in grade school that I was the one chosen last for gym teams. I could not flip on the gym mats or run in field day. I remember not having friends. I was never in invited

Digestion After WLS

The Science of Supplementation: Digestion After WLS

January 8, 2018 7:00 am Published by 0 comments

I hope you have been able to review part one of this series, “The Science of Supplementation: Digestion Prior to WLS” article. It provides us with a breakdown of the overall digestion process prior to weight loss surgery (WLS). However, knowing where and how nutrients are absorbed doesn’t necessarily help us

arm lift after weight loss

Show Your Arms Again With An Arm Lift After Weight Loss

January 5, 2018 7:00 am Published by 0 comments

Flex! Proudly Show Off Your Arms! Let them see you FLEX! Arm lifts have become one of the most common procedures I perform. Do you tell yourself you won’t ever wear short sleeve shirts even if it’s 95 degrees outside? Do you have to buy larger clothing sizes to accommodate

oh2018 speaker submissions

OH2018 Speaker Submissions Are Now Open!

January 4, 2018 8:00 am Published by 0 comments

A Call For Speakers, Inspirational to Educational! We are currently accepting OH2018 speaker submissions for the 2018 ObesityHelp National Conference! Conference Dates: Friday, October 5th and Saturday, October 6th Location: Anaheim, California Speaking at an ObesityHelp Conference is an excellent opportunity to showcase your talents, experience, and knowledge to an enthusiastic weight loss

ORBERA Gastric Balloon

7 Things to Know About the ORBERA Gastric Balloon Procedure

January 3, 2018 5:00 am Published by 0 comments

There is no easy approach to weight loss. It’s always going to be a challenging balancing act. You have to make nutrition and exercise part of your daily routine, and that can be difficult. Personal health sometimes takes a back seat to parenting, work, and caring for family members. The

Your Guide to a Great 2018 & Happy New Year!

December 29, 2017 9:00 am Published by 0 comments

You can make this the year that you accomplish the resolutions or goals you set so you have a great 2018! New Year's resolutions can be a set-up. Only 8% of people actually keep their New Year's resolutions (or goals). Why is it such a low percentage? A few reasons are