Author Archives for ObesityHelp


Calorie Counting: 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Tracking After WLS

February 19, 2018 9:00 am Published by 0 comments

Weight loss surgery depends mostly on restriction. Many patients rely on restriction without having a proper nutrition plan, or have a very a strict caloric controlled plan but end up sacrificing flavor or not enjoying their meals. Let's get into what the so-called Calories actually are. A calorie is a

Water Soluble Vitamins

The Science of Supplementation: Water-Soluble Vitamins, Part 1

February 14, 2018 7:00 am Published by 0 comments

Previously I reviewed the overall digestion process before and after WLS; now, I’ll be diving into individual micronutrients and their importance in our daily functioning for our bodies. To start us off, we’ll be looking at water-soluble vitamins. Water-Soluble Vitamins, Part 1 These vitamins, like the name sounds, dissolve in

Reactive Hypoglycemia After RNY

Reactive Hypoglycemia After RNY: Causes, Signs, and Treatments

February 9, 2018 7:00 am Published by 0 comments

Following gastric bypass surgery, some patients report experiencing the condition of reactive hypoglycemia.  The name, reactive hypoglycemia, defines what is happening. Why Reactive Hypoglycemia After RNY Occurs? Reactive indicates that the body is reacting or responding to a change, and this reaction is typically caused by eating sugar or simple

Fasting After Bariatric Surgery

Fasting After Bariatric Surgery: The Pros and Cons

February 5, 2018 9:00 am Published by 0 comments

I'm regularly asked by many long-term post-op patients if fasting after bariatric surgery a good addition to their WLS journey? There can be pros and cons to fasting after bariatric surgery. While some think this is a great way to shed a few extra pounds, there may not be as many

comfort zone

Why Your Comfort Zone May Not Be The Best Zone After WLS

February 2, 2018 9:00 am Published by 0 comments

In my work with WLS patients, I often hear the word “scared.” “I’m scared to take a Zumba class….what if people stare or laugh at me?” “I’m scared to talk to him….what if I say something stupid?” “I’m scared to go on job interviews….what if I make a fool of