Author Archives for ObesityHelp

Better Sleep and WLS Health 2

Power Down for Better Sleep and WLS Health!

July 6, 2018 9:00 am Published by 0 comments

Catch Your ZZZ's Do you know how important it is to “power down at night”? Are you having trouble falling asleep and/or staying asleep? Do you get less than 7 hours of sleep a night? If you answered yes to any of these questions your “Sleep Routine” needs to be

Celebrate Your Independence Today 2

Celebrate Your Independence Today & Every Day!

July 3, 2018 7:00 am Published by 0 comments

In the United States, July 4th is observed as a holiday that celebrates the independence of Americans. On July 4, 2018, Americans will celebrate Independence Day for the 242nd time. Celebrate Your Independence Today! If you are a bariatric surgery post-op, you can celebrate your own personal independence every single

Nutrition Label

What Does That Nutrition Label Mean?

July 2, 2018 9:00 am Published by 0 comments

Many believe that interpreting a nutrition label is like reading ancient hieroglyphics. You have to try to decipher these numbers and percentages as well as vitamins you’ve never heard of. Why are there three different numbers for fats? Is fiber a carbohydrate? What is considered too much sugar per serving?

OH2018 Saturday Sessions & Speakers

OH2018 Saturday Sessions & Speakers!

June 28, 2018 1:52 pm Published by 0 comments

Announcing the OH2018 Saturday Sessions & Speakers We'd love to see you at the 2018 ObesityHelp National Conference in Anaheim, California, on October 5th and 6th. You’ll absolutely love the OH2018 Saturday Sessions; they are jam-packed full of education, support, and celebration! This is a very special year for ObesityHelp


Facing the Ravages of Depression Together

June 27, 2018 8:00 am Published by 0 comments

It’s been a somber time with the recent passing of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. But in our own lives, most of us have also been touched by the tragedy of suicide. As some of you may know all too well, depression can also be one of the root causes of obesity.

Before & After VSG with karen 3

Before & After VSG with Karen, losing 104 pounds!

June 26, 2018 9:00 am Published by 0 comments

Why I decided to have WLS I have struggled with my weight for a good part of my life. I weighed 174 pounds at just 21 years old. I got married, had three kids and the rest of the story is a lot of weight gain over the next several years. I gained about

Loaded Buffalo Chicken Pizza 3

Loaded Buffalo Chicken Pizza & Cauliflower Crust Recipes, Low-Carb

June 25, 2018 6:00 am Published by 0 comments

If you want a spin from traditional pizza, check out this Loaded Buffalo Chicken Pizza & Cauliflower Crust Recipe. It brings together the flavor of buffalo chicken with a cauliflower crust for fantastic pizza. To make it quick and easy, you can use rotisserie chicken or leftover chicken you have from another meal. You

confidence after bariatric surgery 1 2

6 Steps to Having Confidence After Bariatric Surgery

June 22, 2018 7:00 am Published by 0 comments

Do you want to feel more confident after bariatric surgery?  Is this an area you struggled with before your surgery? I am going to guess that the answer is yes (not that I couldn’t be wrong). I was used to feeling invisible. I am a post-op patient, nearly eight years