October 3, 2018 9:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
I use the story of Cinderella as a metaphor for bariatric regain. After much struggle, the princess finally gets to wear a beautiful gown and go to the ball, only to have the magic spell wear off at midnight. Getting surgery is our opportunity to wear the beautiful gown and
October 1, 2018 7:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
Dating after having weight loss surgery can be a struggle. Let’s be clear though, dating, in general, these days can be a struggle. Particularly after weight loss surgery, there can be a lot of questions that come up about whether to share that you’ve had surgery with your prospective date,
September 28, 2018 9:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
You finally did it! You made the life-changing decision to have weight loss surgery. It has been several months now, and you are doing great. You are losing the weight. You have been a model patient by following all of the nutrition guidelines and sticking with your exercise routine. All
September 26, 2018 9:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
Stop Before You Eat! Take time to listen to your "hunger"...What are you really hungry for? Good question, I am eating right now as I am writing this article and asking myself this question. The answer for me at the moment is true hunger. The focus of this article is to
September 24, 2018 8:45 am
Published by ObesityHelp
Staying hydrated is critical to all of us human beings. It’s critical after bariatric surgery and an essential part of our journey to lifelong wellness. A lack of adequate fluid can be devastating and lead to dehydration. Staying hydrated, primarily with water as your primary go-to fluid, is critical, especially
September 21, 2018 9:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
In my experience, patients presenting with obesity tend to fall into three categories, each of which requires a distinct management approach. The three clinical faces of obesity are 1) Active Gainers, 2) Weight Stable, and 3) Post-Weight Loss. Clinical Faces of Obesity: #1 Active Gainers Active Gainers are patients currently
September 18, 2018 8:45 am
Published by ObesityHelp
Why I Decided to Have WLS I decided one day, I could not live the habits and life that I was living as it was slowly killing me inside. I woke up one day and decided I did not want to feel fat anymore nor did I want to continue
September 17, 2018 9:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
Taking the step toward plastic surgery after massive weight loss is a normal part of the weight loss surgery journey. For most, this is the part that completes and restores the body to the natural aesthetic. When someone has gained a large amount of weight this internally stretches the skin
September 14, 2018 9:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
This Portobello Greek Pizza recipe is one you can make for yourself or others too. Use it for a Meatless Monday, or for a light dinner, or even a delicious appetizer. How many times have you had trouble throwing together a quick, healthy meal because it’s just you? Sometimes, if
September 12, 2018 9:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
Obesity & the Princess and the Pea I often use the imagery of the princess and the pea story when trying to illustrate what’s behind one’s obesity. The pea is the problem. The pea is the source. The pea is where it once started. The pea is the heart of