January 25, 2019 11:59 am
Published by ObesityHelp
If you decide that bariatric surgery is right for you, the time from consult to surgery is more like a roller-coaster than a smooth Ferris wheel. You may vacillate between second-guessing and walking on a cloud of happiness, lose some sleep and discuss it endlessly with your trusted support team.
January 23, 2019 9:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
This Low-Carb Chicken Salsa Pizzas Recipe is easy, delicious, and has just 5 ingredients. Cook those for a quick 15 minutes, and then, top with one amazing salsa….Avocado Verde from Garden Fresh Gourmet. The stuff is life-changing. And remember, salsas are some of the healthiest condiments, because they are simply chopped vegetables
January 21, 2019 9:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
“Obesity is not a disease of overeating and lack of exercise.” I have used this line for years. Telling a patient that they should just eat right and exercise, and everything will be fine is no different than telling the same patient to stretch to get taller. After all, obesity
January 17, 2019 8:56 am
Published by ObesityHelp
This post is sponsored by PREMIER PROTEIN®. Instead of a super sweet calorie-laden traditional fudge, make this Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Fudge with PREMIER PROTEIN®. It is a delicious alternative for your post-bariatric surgery lifestyle. We skip the condensed milk, most of the added sugars, and marshmallow creme. You won’t even need a
January 16, 2019 8:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is prevalent in North America. 1 in 5 people will complain of GERD/heartburn symptoms this number increases in the people who are obese. People describe a burning sensation deep to the sternum, acidic sensation in the mouth, foul-smelling breath, teeth decay/destruction, voice hoarseness, coughing/vomiting blood, weight
January 14, 2019 8:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
To learn more about navigating the insurance coverage maze, review my "Will Insurance Cover My Plastic Surgery After Massive Weight Loss?" article. Is it impossible to have insurance to pay for plastic surgery after WLS? For many patients, it can seem as though it is. It helps patients to know and
January 10, 2019 8:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
After a long struggle with weight control many people who successfully lose large amounts of weight whether by bariatric surgery, diet and exercise or a combination of both typically correct their medical problems. The long-term problem lies in the fact that where there once was a lot of subcutaneous tissues
January 9, 2019 9:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
There is no doubt that Ricotta Muffins are one of the most popular meals after bariatric surgery. You see it all over Pinterest and WLS forums because it tastes good and can be enjoyed at any stage after surgery. One of the first creators of the Ricotta Bake was from
January 8, 2019 9:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
Why I Decided to Have WLS I struggled with my weight for my whole life. My struggle with weight loss began in Middle School as I was always heavier, overweight or obese all through school. I constantly wanted to be skinny so I could fit in and not be made
January 7, 2019 9:00 am
Published by ObesityHelp
It’s Monday morning at 7 AM and you’re lying in bed scrolling through your social media newsfeeds desperately searching for that motivation that’ll get you off your butt and into the gym to achieve your goal for transformation after bariatric surgery. Kings of the Jungle? It seems like you’re sifting