Sugar Alcohols & WLS 2

Sugar Alcohols & WLS … the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

March 14, 2018 · 0 comments

Sugar alcohols are a mix of sugar and alcohol (hence the name), but they do not act as either sugar or alcohol inside of your body. They are found naturally in fruits and vegetables like apples, apricots, peaches, plums, watermelon, and green bell peppers. Sugar alcohols used in foods and

Alcohol After Surgery Caution Needed

Should WLS Post-Ops Drink Alcohol After Surgery?

July 15, 2016 · 0 comments

Should WLS post-ops drink alcohol after surgery? Unlike many of the questions that we have about the changes that happen to the body after bariatric surgery, there is some reasonably good data regarding alcohol’s effect on the post-bariatric patient. We have the most information regarding alcohol intake after RNY Gastric

alcohol wls

Drinking Alcohol After Weight Loss Surgery

September 30, 2015 · 0 comments

I’m writing this while on vacation in Europe. The initial purpose of the trip was to attend a professional meeting of the International Federation for the Surgical Treatment of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO). I try to attend this meeting every year to gain information about how other parts of


Heartburn: To Eat or Not to Eat, That Is the Question

September 25, 2024 · 0 comments

If you’ve ever had heartburn, its initial symptoms may not immediately translate to its recognition, given the increased discomfort it can cause. Its onset has been described as a feeling of burning in the chest; it may involve random coughing; and in severe cases, some even describe its sensation as

Derailing Weight Loss

How to Handle the Weekends Without Derailing Weight Loss

August 21, 2024 · 0 comments

Most people look forward to the weekend and think of it as a chance to recover from a busy week, but the big question is, do we want to have to recover from the weekend at the start of every week? When talking about weight loss, too many people are


Why Bariatric Surgery is More Than Losing Weight

July 8, 2024 · 0 comments

Bariatric Surgery is a highly effective tool that has helped many people achieve significant and lasting weight loss. While the specific goal of this surgical procedure is to help people lose weight, weight loss, by itself, is not the primary motivation for most people. Being thin is certainly not a

Understanding How Trauma Impacts Your Health

Body and Mind Matters: Understanding How Trauma Impacts Your Health

June 24, 2024 · 0 comments

Due to stigma and a lack of sound information on traumatic experiences, laypeople can find it especially difficult to navigate the often far-reaching effects of trauma.  As a Life and Wellness Coach, Psychotherapist, and Fitness Trainer with extensive experience in crisis intervention and acute care, I have often been tasked

Stressful Times

Staying on Track during Stressful Times

December 20, 2023 · 0 comments

Sometimes the world just feels topsy-turvy upside down. For me, NOW is one of those stressful times.  My stress levels are through the roof. Can you relate?  The ups and downs of life are inevitable. But guess what? It’s actually possible to handle highly stressful times WITHOUT TURNING TO FOOD.

Indulge & Bulge

How to Avoid the ‘Indulge & Bulge’ Holiday Food Trap

December 13, 2023 · 0 comments

I was shopping recently and came across this holiday card that read: “When what to my wondering eyes should appear…but 10 extra pounds on my hips, thighs and rear!”  I think we can all relate to this card and the concern for weight regain from Thanksgiving to the New Year.

manage holiday stress

15 Ways You Can Manage Holiday Stress

December 4, 2023 · 0 comments

As happy as the holidays are, the whirlwind of busy days can also be very stressful for so many reasons. The hustle and bustle of shopping for those perfect gifts and navigating family functions can cause overwhelming anxiety. Managing holiday stress is crucial for maintaining your personal and emotional well-being

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