13 Spooktacular and Haunting Websites To Visit!
October 17, 2012Happy Halloween! 13 Spooktacular and Haunting Websites to Visit! Halloween is almost here and it's time for some spooky fun! Many of you spend weeks, even months in advance planning your Halloween festivities and costumes to celebrate one of the wold's oldest holidays. Perhaps you will visit a haunted house, share ghost stories around a camp fire, attend a fun-filled costume party, or simply trick or treat with your children. However you choose to spend your Halloween, have fun and stay safe! Here are 13 websites that are sure to ignite that Halloween spirit in you. So sit back, grab a warm drink, and gather around your monitor, there's a little something for everyone!
1. HauntedHouses.com. You can visit real haunted houses in the gold ole’ USA from the comfort of your chair. This website has an interactive map where you can visit each states famous haunted houses, view pictures, and learn about the historical ghostly manifestations.
2. Yourghoststories.com. This website features almost 12,000 true stories about things that go bump in the night and also offers a Your Ghosts Stories APP for your iPad, iPhone, and iPod. Feeling in the mood to be spooked? You can start with the true ghosts story, Fallen Farmer here.
3. Hauntedamericantours.com.Here you will find a list of the top 10 American haunted cemeteries or graveyards,
visit some of the scariest places on earth, as well as read breaking paranormal news and many articles about ghouls, monsters, and much more!
4. Theshadowlands.net. Almost 17,000 visitors have shared their true experiences with ghosts and hauntings at The Shadowlands. One of the owners of the website, Dave Juliano, has lived with spirits for over 40 years and understands what those visiting his 18 year old website may be going through. With message boards, photo galleries, videos, and audio of EVP's (Electronic Voice Phenomenon), you are sure to be haunted and spooked for hours at a time!
5..Graveaddiction.com. Another website listing haunted cemeteries including the Bowman Cemetery in Ohio where legend has it that a local witch murdered her children and was punished by being hanged in a tree near the center of the cemetery.
6. 365Halloween.com. Looking for some great healthy Halloween snack ideas? 365 Halloween has some really clever veggie tray creations, a list of scary movies to watch, costume ideas, decor, and an informative blog.
7. Anybodythere.net. For those of you who would like to try and catch a glimpse of one of our spooky friends, this site has live ghost web cams. There is a chat room and forums where you can report any activity that you may have seen on the web cams. If you are interested in paranormal activity, you will find just about every topic discussed here!
8. Scaryguys.com. You will find lots of unique projects and how-to information for your haunted Halloween fun here! From the giant spider to the dropping portrait, step-by-step details are spelled out for you. Get it? Spelled out...
9. Halloweenkitchen.com. Speaking of Spells...Try some of Witch Wanda's magical Halloween treat recipes. Every recipe includes pictures of the actual treat as it's being prepared. Love the marshmallow ghost recipe! That looks like fun to make!
10. Halloweenishere.com. (HIH) Ghost stories, rancid recipes, ghoulish goodies, costume ideas, graveyard links, and trick or treat safety tips can all be found here. HIH also offers an e-card service!
11. Hauntworld.com. Ever wonder what the top 13 scariest haunted houses in America are? I 'm talking about the haunted houses made by people of this earthly realm! Haunt World has rated the top 13 for 2012. You can search for the best and scariest haunted houses near you, find hayrides, corn mazes, and other Halloween events with their interactive state-by-state locators.
12. Ghostvideos.ws. Spooky spirits caught on video are this websites claim to fame. You will see a ghost aboard the haunted
Queen Mary, shadow spirits, and ghosts in cemeteries, churches, and many other places around the world!
13. Halloweenmovies.com. This is the official Michael Meyers website! Michael Myers is a fictional character from the Halloween Series. You can download screensavers, fonts, and a template to carve a replica of the pumpkin that looks exactly like the one in the opening credits of the original Halloween. Don't miss this website...there is much more to be seen!