Accept Yourself at Any Weight 2 1

10 Ways to Accept Yourself at Any Weight

October 2, 2017

So many of us struggle with weight, acceptance, and self-love. Society can be brutal, and expectations are hard to live up to. Social media has thrown a huge wrench into the mix, and now everyone seems to be in a frenzy to try to keep up with photo-shopped images of 13-year-olds going on 30 or love-struck couples vacationing on Facebook Fantasy-Land.

It's so easy to get caught up in where we think we should be, that often we forget how far we have come!

I have had my own share of struggles throughout my life and through those, I have found some key factors that have helped me to ditch some of those unreasonable expectations and accept myself at any weight. I hope they help you as much as they have helped me.

10 Ways to Accept Yourself at Any Weight

Keep It Real

If you are 40-something (even 30-something) you will likely never be at your high school weight again. Yes, there is the occasional mother of five who can still fit into her wedding dress, but that is not the norm. Focus on all of the great attributes you still have whether it’s a great pair of legs or a sexy bust line. Remember, with age also comes wisdom, confidence, and maturity, which has made you even more beautiful.

Leave the Magazines on the Rack

Put down the “Us Magazine” with J Lo on the cover in her bikini or any other celeb who supposedly ‘lost all her baby weight in three weeks.’  Newsflash, these women get paid to look like this because it’s their job, and they have help from special chefs, trainers, and plastic surgeons. Some of the more honest ones will tell you that they don’t even recognize themselves in half of their pictures. As an added tip, if your husband or partner subscribes to magazines like Maxim or Playboy, tell him the truth; it’s rude and it’s insulting. If he doesn’t get it, find a guy who does.

Accept Compliments

One of the hardest things to do sometimes is taking a compliment! When someone says you look great, even if you aren’t feeling it, smile and say thank you! Putting yourself down just reinforces the negative. While worrying too much about what other people think can also be unhealthy, taking in the positive facilitates love and self-acceptance. Sometimes it’s ok to let other people be our mirror.

Stay Social

So often when we don’t feel good about ourselves we want to hide from the world. Reach out to friends and family or whoever else it is that loves you. Remind yourself that none of these people care about how much you weigh; they love you for all of the other fantastic things that you are. Even one good friend can make a difference in reminding us of our worth.

Therapy and Support Groups

Sometimes talking with a neutral party is the best way to get things off your chest. Even a journal can help you release anything negative. Support groups can also connect you with new tools and you might make a new friend along the way. Both are confidential.

Reflect on Your Successes

Whether it be a career, a healthy relationship or bringing healthy children into the world, we all have done something at one point in our lives that we are proud of. Remind yourself of all of the good things you have done and pat yourself on the back.

Turn Your Gifts into Goals

We each have a gift that makes us special. Some of us may not have realized it yet, and some of us may not give it the credit it deserves. Reflect on your gift and think about ways you can use it moving forward. Setting and meeting goals are something that is key for happiness, self-esteem, and self-love. How can you love something or someone else if you don’t love yourself first?

Move It

Exercise is a key component of health whether we want to lose weight or not. It also stimulates parts of the brain that allow for free thought and releases endorphins. Whether you are a marathon runner or simply a walker who likes to stroll along while taking the dog for a walk, it keeps us healthy inside and out.

Everything in Moderation

Portion control is key. This includes alcohol, which is not only a depressant but has a ton of sugar. Try to keep eating out to a minimum, and when you do, know what your healthy choices are.

A Little Touch Up Goes a Long Way   

Sometimes when we aren’t feeling our best, it helps to do a little touch up to the hair or face to give a boost! A little lipstick or a cute hairstyle can really make a difference in how we feel about ourselves.



Janine Greenwood made the decision and lifelong commitment to have RNY surgery on June 30, 2003, with Dr. John W. Baker. Since surgery, Janine has lost 258 pounds, as well as had reconstructive surgery to remove excess skin with Dr. Siamak Agha. Fourteen years later, Janine remains committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and positive self-body image. Janine now participates in several organizations & social media platforms that encourage healthy lifestyles.