10 Nutrition Tips For Your Good Health

10 Nutrition Tips For Your Good Health

October 22, 2013

Nutrition Niblets

10 interesting facts about some of the delicious foods we eat!

1.  Parsley has twice as much Iron as spinach and three times more vitamin C than oranges.  It is also used as a digestive aid and as a natural breath freshener.

2.  Onions contain sulfur compounds that help to detoxify your body as well as antiviral and anti-allergy properties.

3.  Cilantro, which is a member of the carrot family, is used to help with nausea and it also helps to relieve intestinal gas and pain.

4.  Looking to pump up your protein intake when eating peanut butter?  Try mixing in a little Brewer's yeast!

5.  Those seeds from your Halloween pumpkins just happen to be high in zinc and when eaten raw, they contain  beneficial proteins and essential fatty acids.  But pumpkin seeds that have been roasted actually consist of fat that is damaged which can cause plaque in the arteries

6.  Low on potassium?  Try munching on a celery stick or an avocado.  Both are high in potassium. Did you know that an avocado actually contains more than twice as much potassium as a banana does?

7.  If you have indigestion or are bloated, a perennial known as fennel can help with that.

8.  A member of the cabbage family, radishes have anti-fugal and antibacterial properties.

9.  The superfood kale is a great source of calcium and is a contains lutein which helps to protect the eyes.

10.  Kohlrabi, which is a green or purple vegetable related to the cabbage family, is high in fiber, helps to stabilize blood sugar and is an excellent source of vitamin C.

-Source: Mercola.com