Ok, well now that I am way back up on the scale. =(

Nov 12, 2012

I am back up in the area of 230 lbs.  I know part of the weight gain was do to the Implenon I had put in back in March.  I went from 200-ish to 245lbs before I said that the thing had to go! I am struggling BIG time getting back down and could really really use some encouragement!  


been so long

Apr 25, 2011

 I havent been around much.  I moved to NC.

I have hit a plateau and am not rising.  Anyone else experience this?!?  I was down to 175lbs...I am back up to 205!!  I joined our local YMCA and hope to get back in control of my life.  I am really looking for some serious assistance.


Jan 02, 2009

I lost 100 pounds!  I feel amazing!  I woke up Christmas morning and jumped on the scale and it said 204.9!  I went in for surgery at 305.8 pounds!

Its such a wonderful feeling to be able to do things and not be out of breath in seconds.

Weight loss surgery is the best decision I ever made for myself! I can play with my kids now!  Its PERFECT!

May 7, 2008

May 07, 2008

Well surgery went smoothly. Dr. Boe was great he came out before surgery and really put me at ease. I dont remember much of the first day. Surgery was at about 130-2 o'clock.  I do remember my husband and kids being there and a few random phone calls.  
Day 2 saw me off the morphine pump....my body just couldnt handle it. My blood pressure dropped to next to nothing, my tmep was 93 and 94's, and my pulse was alarmingly low. they took me down for the xrays of the new insides and I proceeded to get sick. (how nice of me right??!) Dr. Boe was there in an instanst and worked out some new pain regimen for me. After that I was off and walking. 
MeLinda came and visited me and brought me the most beautiful roses and some much needed cheering up! Its so nice tohave friends on this website who know where I have come from and where I am headed.
When I went in for surgery I weighed 288.6 and when I was leaving to go home I weighed 304.2.  Hmmm I thought I went there to avoid this...LOL. Just kidding Iknow its from all the fluids...
Speaking of which how long should it take before I am able to get all the protein and liquids I need? I am close on the liquids but the proteins arent even in the ballpark yet. Should I be worried yet?

April 30, 2008

Apr 30, 2008

I wake up tomorrow and then I have 1 day left.  I called and I am suppossed to be at Barix at 11:45am Friday, they say surgery at 1pm.  
I am scared now.  Nervous.....
what if I didnt lose the 7 lbs???????????
ugh, I hate this feeling.

April 29th, 2008

Apr 28, 2008

My surgery date is quickly approaching. I am getting really nervous! What if I didnt lose the pesky 7 lbs they said I gained in the past year?!?! I will have had to drive my 2 hours to get there only to cry for the 2 hour ride home.

They tell me to drink as much water as I can stomach, I drank almost 3 gallons yesterday...think that is enough? I am not even sure. I have for the most part been really good on this liquid only diet. I did have 2 slip ups and then I beat myself up about it.  I will be devestated if I dont lose the weight b/c of a chicken nugget and a FF dish of ice cream. I have until Friday. Which feels like I might wake up tomorrow and it would be Friday.  I am going to continue my water and jello regimen and pray its enough to save my life.

I got my surgery date!!

Mar 31, 2008

May 2nd!!!!!!!!!!!


I have my PATs on April 14th at 8:15 am!



Mar 12, 2008

I GOT MY APPROVAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 3, 2008

Mar 03, 2008

Well few weeks have gone by and I havent heard anything from anyone. Is it just me that is anxious and nervous and scared? I was so sure of approval before and then I got my denial b/c I didnt have a 6 month supervised attempt at weight loss.  Now, after that (which wasnt very successful, might I add) I am not so sure, I am afraid my insurance company (BCBS of NJ) is looking for any reason to deny me. Will they find the reasons??? I can give them so many reasons to approve me, but are they enough? I am tired of being so miserable. I dont want to be this heavy anymore, and nothing I try seems to work!! I dont want to die before my kids grow up and sadly I dont think my weight is going to be working with me on a long life. My whole family both sides of it, all suffer from heart problems and hypertension and diabetes and thyroid disorders.  Thats not what I want!  I already have enough health problems!!  I dont know what to do. 


February 12, 2008

Feb 11, 2008

I called Barix today and she said she was in the process of working up my case to send out.  Seems like ages ago I first got the ball rolling for this surgery.  Its actually 11 months today. I am so ready now.  LOL.

Keeping as active as I can and trying not to think about all the possibilities of why the ins co could/would say no.  Trying to be positive and hoping that they will find a GREAT reason to say YES!

About Me
China Grove, NC
Surgery Date
Jul 14, 2007
Member Since

Friends 36

Latest Blog 18
May 7, 2008
April 30, 2008
April 29th, 2008
I got my surgery date!!
March 3, 2008
February 12, 2008
