I started my WLS journey last Fall 2007.  I had reached my highest weight ever and just couldn't take it anymore.  My problem with weight has been an issue within the past 7 or 8 years.  Stress, marriage, a miscarriage and pregnancy all being contributing factors ~ food has been my comfort.  Like most, I've tried so many weight loss programs only to lose then gain more than before.  I feel absolutely horrible and my self-esteem has just plummetted.  It has affected every aspect of my life.  I have a 3 year old son who is my pride and joy.  I want to be able to run around with him and enjoy the great outdoors.  He loves to play outside but I'm just a spectator instead of being able to join him.  Most times I don't even want to go outside.  I'm embarrassed about how I look to the point of not wanting to see people that I haven't seen in awhile.  It's gotten so out of hand.       

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 25, 2007
Member Since
