mirandamacie posted a discussion topic 3 years, 2 months ago

I had a stall start a little less than 2 weeks post op, I'm not 3 weeks and I STILL HAVENT LOST ANYTHING ELSE! It's so frustrating to me becau

mirandamacie posted a discussion topic 3 years, 2 months ago

Lately I've been having surgery regrets. Part of me wishes I could turn back to food. But then I got into more thinking, and my biggest regret is getting so big in the first place. I constantly gained from the age of 6. I was 100lbs by 1st grade, and 2

mirandamacie posted a discussion topic 3 years, 2 months ago

I've had a little bit of a rash on my upper stomach for some over a week now, recently it looks like it got bad. It doesn't itch or bother me at all, but it looks somewhat concerning. It's just a bunch of little red dots and it's spread to my hips. My

mirandamacie posted a discussion topic 3 years, 2 months ago

Ive been having a HORRIBLE on and off aftertaste in my mouth recently, I'm 2 weeks post op. It's disgusting, it's almost fishy tasting. Also, red Gatorade zero tastes nasty to me now, like pepper and medicine! I used to love the taste of it. Does anyon

mirandamacie posted a discussion topic 3 years, 2 months ago

I'm planning for a few weeks when I can have an open diet again, I never want to go back to my old diet. I'm such a junk food fanatic though, I used to live off of potato chips and fast food. My question is, what did you guys replace junk food with? I

mirandamacie posted a discussion topic 3 years, 3 months ago

Let me start with the basic struggles:

•Staying hydrated is hard. I'm a big water drinker and I have been for a while, but the amount of water you need to drink feels so much like a chore. And since I'm not eating

mirandamacie posted a discussion topic 3 years, 3 months ago

When was the first time you left the house after surgery? I'm already getting stir crazy and I'm only 2 days post op! I feel fine but I don't wanna leave the house and end up not feeling fine. What did you guys do? And what helped you not feel stir cra

mirandamacie posted a discussion topic 3 years, 3 months ago

I had my surgery yesterday and I'm home today. I feel like I'm in more pain at home in my own bed, it's just a lot of gas pain. I am getting a heating pad. I've also had trouble drinking because I noticed it doesn't help with the gas pain. Any advice?<

mirandamacie posted a discussion topic 3 years, 3 months ago

I didn't get a call from my medical provider today so I'm assuming I'm medically cleared for my procedure tomorrow. I'm having gastric bypass done. I'm a little nervous but more so ready to start my journey. I'm not sure how I'm gonna sleep tonight to

mirandamacie posted a discussion topic 3 years, 3 months ago

My WBC count a couple weeks ago was pretty high, around 16.2. The doctor had me get more blood work today before I could get cleared for surgery, it is still on the high end but it went down to 13.0 (the normal is up to 11, I believe). This could just

mirandamacie posted a discussion topic 3 years, 3 months ago

I just got done with my medical clearance appointment and surgery is 5 days away. They want me to redo my blood work because my WBC count was high. I'm worried because it was also high at my last blood work way back in June. I guess I'm worried it's no

mirandamacie posted a discussion topic 3 years, 3 months ago

Hi everybody. I'm new to this community and my surgery is scheduled for Tuesday. I thought I'd use this post to share some of my fears I have. I'm not so much scared of surgery itself, but I'm scared of the life that comes after it.

First, let

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 17, 2021
Member Since
