Where Has The Time Gone?????

Oct 15, 2007

My last post was nearly a year ago - time has gone by in a blur.  I've lost another 80 lb and my weight is now around 220 - I can squeeze into size 40 slacks and "Large" T-shirts.  My energy level is unbelieveable, my attitude on life has changed, but unfortunately, other things have come to pass.  Stay tuned.

It's Been A While - 11/9/06

Nov 09, 2006

It's been six months now and I'm teetering on the 150 pounds lost threshold.  It's been a little stubborn, I've plateaued a couple of times during the last month and a half, but I've been losing inches and going through all my old clothes I couldn't fit into before.  I have so much energy and I'm starting to enjoy things I haven't for a long time.  I don't  know who is looking at me when I look in the mirror - who is that guy?  I still have a long way to go, and there are mental changes that have to be made that are going to take a while.  My appetite and ability to eat a little more than what I did a month ago has increased, and I have to get to head set that WLS is a tool, and can be overridden if I'm not careful.

100 Big Ones!

Nov 09, 2006

7/24/06 -WHOOHOOO!!!!!! I HIT THE CENTURY MARK!!!!!!

Almost A Month Now

Nov 09, 2006

5/25/06 - Three weeks - where has the time gone? I was a little tired at first, and felt weaker than usual, but it's coming back. I'm on the cusp of the three-hundredsies (haven't been there in years) and soon I'll be able to use a regular bathroom scale. All my close are loose on me - feels great. I can even fit into a regular automobile seat and buckle the seatbelt! Now that summer is here, I'm rearing to go.

So Far, So Good...

Nov 09, 2006

/12/06 - I've been home a week now, and it's pretty much gone like clockwork. My surgery lasted 3-1/2 hours with no complications, and the nurses had me walking that night. The only glitch so far was one incision getting a little funky, and opening it to heal inside-out and putting me on a course of antibiotics is doing the trick. My surgeon has cleared me to go back to work next week (you can't have everything!) and keeping to the diet regimen isn't as bad as I thought it would be. So far I've lost 17 pounds post-op, and 37 since I started the pre-op phase. Life is good!

About Me
Peru, MA
Surgery Date
Mar 30, 2004
Member Since

Latest Blog 5
Where Has The Time Gone?????
It's Been A While - 11/9/06
100 Big Ones!
Almost A Month Now
So Far, So Good...
