3 Year Anniversary and Doing Good

May 01, 2010

Well tomorrow will be my third year post WLS and I have still kept 105 pounds off.  Still doing okay except for being able to eat almost anything that I want and that is tough as I seem to like all the old stuff that made me Fat in the first place...Am I glad that I had the surgery? Yes!!!  I would probably either be dead by now or hating myself.  I have to force myself to continue to exercise and watch what I eat...Need to do protien shakes but never get around to it. Bad about during my calcium but seem to be healthy anyways.  It seem that at the 2-3 year mark, my life has changed so much that I don't use this forum muck except to see how other are doing...Don't usually have anything to talk about, so I don't usually post anything..Do hope all the folks that had WLS back when I got mine are all doing okay.  Don't see them much on here any more.  Anyways; for everyone elase may God Bless each and everyone of you and hang in there during your time when eating comes easy.  Stay strong and fight temptations.. Later....

Still Alive and Living Good!!!

Aug 24, 2009

Where do I start.  I realize that I haven't posted in a long time,  but have continued to hide in the background reading up on everyone else.  As most of you know I am a pretty quiet kind of guy. LOL! Still maintaining my weight loss of over 120 pounds since my WLS; riding my motorcycle and living the dream...Work is still going okay with me traveling all over this country and some parts of Europe.  It has been good seeing all my other WLS buddies doing good on Dr. Lord's Forum section. Still seems to be a mostly Girls only forum, so I haven't had much to add to what they are up to.. If asked if I would do the WLS again; I would in a heart beat.  All of my old medical issues are gone.  I do know that if you don't continue to exercise daily, the weight can and will come back; so do stop even if you are tired of it.  You haven't come this far to be a fatty again.  Take care and may God Bless you...

Still Doing Good!!!

Dec 15, 2008

Well I am over 18 Months out and still doing pretty good...Weight has been at a stall for the past four months but I also take the blame as I am not exercising nor eating as I should.  It is so easy to eat now just about anything I want with No ill effects.  Hard to break old habits pre-WLS. Carbs are BAD!!! ie. potato chips, Ritz crackers, etc...  Taste good and are easy to overeat.  I am hoping to maintain my weight though the holidays and hit it hard on the exercise plan after the first of the year.

Funny; my family was so supportive of my eating requirements during the first year after WLS but now seems to try and want to go to only places that make it harder for me to not overeat or eat healthy.  I guess I don't blame them for this as they also have a life but I seem to want to use them as an excuse for my lack of control.

Am I thankful for having WLS; YOU BET!!!! Best thing that I ever did for myself and my health.  I need see why Ms. betty Boop was off the forum for so long during her's stall...It is hard to see where others are doing well and you are not...I will return to losing and working on getting my life and mind back in order..I have come too far to not succeed and with the help of Jesus Christ, I will be there.
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One Year Post WLS

May 01, 2008

Well today; one year agao; I started my new life on the loser's side.  I have lost 110 pounds over the past year and feel great.  I no longer take diabetic meds, nor heart meds, nor chosl. meds; or acid reflux meds.  my blood pressure has changes from 165 over 93 (with meds) to a steady 117 over 72.  Even when I exercise, my blood pressure is normal and I can walk over 3 1/2 miles within 50 minutes on a daily basis.  I truely believe that exercise is key to maintainig and also losing weight.  I tend to forget to drink any protien shakes like I should , but whenever, I have a stall in my weight loss or don't feel ready good; I increase my protien shakes and that is the trick.  To anyone that may be thinking about WLS;  take the plunge as you will never regret it.  yes, I don't eat as much as I did when I was over 300 pounds, but that is why I was over 300 pounds.  The hardest decision I have now is where to eat because all the portions at restraunts are way too much for me now.  I am hoping and praying that this coming year will be as good as 2007.  may God Bless you!!!

7 1/2 Months out

Dec 13, 2007

Hooray!!!! I have finally crossed the one hundred pound weight loss milestone.  I feel really great and can  not believe the reduction in my legs, arms and especially my stomach.  The only real skin hanging is my neck as my son tells me I have a turkey neck now.  I guess I might look at Plastic surgery later for it as I haven't been able to do any exercise that will tighten up my neck.  I am up to walking 4 miles a day and really believe that walking is the best exercise to do when you get to my age.  Take care and I hope everyone has  a very Merry CHRISTmas!!! Remember you would not have a Holiday Season if Jesus hadn't been born..

Almost Seven Months Out

Nov 26, 2007

Well, it has been some time since I have blogged and so I needed to provide an update..Hopefully, this will help motivate some to continue thier jounery and get healthy.  I have lost 95 pounds since my RNY and feel great...I have been removed from 4 of the 6 pills that I took before as the weight loss has caused my body to get back to what a normal healthy person is.  I continue to read the different blogs for motivation and in order to pray for these other people who have taken the commitment to improve thier life.  The other WLS patients of Dr. Lord's are all doing great and everyone  really have a friendly helpful desire for anyone that is on this jounery.  It is getting close to Christmas which is my favorite time of the year.  I did okay during Thanksgiving and didn't over eat; (Thank God for the smaller pouch).  Take care until next time.

Three Months Post-OP

Aug 07, 2007

Well, I had my 3 month post-op appointment and everything is going good.  I have lost 67 pounds so far and 1 pound to go before I will be past the half way mark for my weight loss goal.  Dr. Lord is still the most awesome surgeron I know.  My eating habit's are increasing in amounts and what I can eat; so I have to watch it, so as to not over eat.  I am getting in my 75 grams of protien without much problem and also the 75 ounces of liquids during the week; but week-ends are another issue.  I have to be careful to ensure that I take fuilds with me on week-end to drink or I don't end up drinking enough due to activities.  At least, the supplements and liquids are becoming a habit now.  The funny thing about eating out now is that in the past my wife always finished before me and had to wait on me; now I finish first since I eat about 1/4 what she does and I end up having to wait on her.  Funny how GOD teaches us patience.  take care and May God Bless Everyone!!!

Two Months Out

Jul 10, 2007

Well, I had my two month follow-up appoitnment and the Doctor is happy with my weight loss.  I have been exercising by walking daily and have been able to each up to 3 miles a day regulary and on occasion go for a 4 mile walk.  I feel really good.  I did go in and had a Rotary cup tear surgery on 02 July and haven't been able to work-out very much due to get but hope to get back on track next week.  Things are good!!!!

One Month Post OP

Jun 10, 2007

I have passed my One month Post-Op and the weight seems to have stopped dropping...I am not upset as I have lost so much so quick, that I think my body has gotten to a point where it is saying slow down and take it easy.  I am still losing inches as I exercise daily and my clothes are all geting too loose or I have already thrown some away due to being too big... This is my best WOW so far.  Everyone else keep's calling me skinny, but i know they are just saying this in Love.  I can't really see the big change in myself yet...I have lost 47 pounds so far and I do know that my breathing is easier and I can walk two miles and I am not short of breath.  Until new time; everyone else stay strong and May God continue to Bless us.

Everything is Going Great

May 21, 2007

Well, I am three weeks out and have lost a total of 40 pounds since I began my  first visit to Dr. Lord's office.  I have gone back to work at the two week mark post WLS and although I got a little tired by the end of the day; I am doing okay.  I am walking two miles a day and haven't had any problems with getting sick with whatever I eat.  Getting in all the protien is a little tough but i am able to get in my 75 oz of fluids.  Just lately, I have been getting a little dizzy every once in a while, so i am going to contact the Dr. Office about this.  Take care and God Bless everyone.

About Me
Pensacola, FL
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2007
Member Since

Friends 24

Latest Blog 14
One Year Post WLS
7 1/2 Months out
Almost Seven Months Out
Three Months Post-OP
Two Months Out
One Month Post OP
Everything is Going Great
