This blog is going to be about my journey into weight loss.
A journey that will have ups, downs, bumps, high, lows, hills and mountains, and tests of Faith.
As Miley Cyrus said, "It's not about what's waiting on the other side, it's the CLIMB!" So true!!
My mountain to climb is weight loss through Gastric Bypass Surgery. I am at 406lbs and I am only 23. I have tried my hardest and have did all I could on my own to lose the weight, but I always gained it back.
So, I have finally decided to nip it in the butt. I will NOT let weight control my life! It will NOT limit me from doing things I want to do but cannot! It will NOT make me change my hopes and dreams and restrict me from the life I deserve!! No more will I let it make the decisions!
As, I have said, this is just the first step of many, but at least it's a STEP!
So please, will you help me through my climb? For support, cheers and to have hope and courage when I feel hopeless and week.
And please, if you are going up that same mountain, why go alone?
Everyone needs to have a shoulder, a friend, someone who knows what their going through.   Summarizing, I will be tracking my weight loss journey through this blog. Every step, stumble, fall, and every time I keep getting up, running smooth, Climbing.
My name is Lillie, I am 24, I live in MS and I weigh 406lbs. I have been on my WLS journey since Feb. As of now I have been through all the steps, Pshyc evaluation, tests, doctor's letters and such. I have one more doctor to send in a letter for me, so I am doing pretty darn good.
I have an appointment with Dr. Low in Jackson, MS on the 21st of July. This is the surgeon I think that will be doing my Roux En Y Gastric Bypass Surgery. I'm meeting her so she can help me lower my BMI before surgery.

I have already started to stock up on things I will use after surgery like, small bowls, plates, spoon, measuring items, a blender and such. I am trying to lose at least 10lb before surgery, but I hope to lose more. Oh, I am also taking vitamin D pills.

Well, that is about it for now, I will update and hopefully this site will be a great support! Thanks :)  


About Me
Mendenhall, MS
Surgery Date
Jun 28, 2010
Member Since

Friends 4
