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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/15/24 4:55 am, edited 5/14/24 11:29 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Our Blitz (aka Kairk's Lightning Strikes) is Select Dog!!! Congratulations again to Peps and Ron!

And that little mixed breed Nimble sure was fast! Thanks for that CC. Brings a smile early in the morning to see that.

Today I am without a sling! I was able to hold my hair up with my bad arm and put a clip in this morning! You have no idea how thrilling that is LOL. I'm hoping to drive for the first time in 8 weeks and go to the Beach Club to meet a friend for lunch (DH is golfing). DS may also come to eat, then work there for a while, but I plan to drive.

Tonight we have a burger dinner at the clubhouse. One-half is my max, but what kind?

Tomorrow is injection day and Friday is weight day. We shall see if anything changed this week. My clothes are fitting better regardless. That means that I will pack less going home for the summer than usual because most of my smaller clothes are already up north. I have started separating out what I am bringing. I isolate the hanging clothes in one area, then add/subtract for a few days until I am happy with the choices.

Time to get out for a Justice walk. The summer weather pattern in Florida is getting well established which means it gets hot and humid fast! Have a willing Wednesday!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/15/24 4:56 am, edited 5/14/24 11:27 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16
Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/15/24 6:24 am, edited 5/15/24 6:27 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I got 3 gateway timeouts before this posted, then it was there 3 times. Does anyone know if OH is having financial problems (causing the technology to fall behind)?

on 5/15/24 7:53 am


I've had a gateway timeout, too; OH has been loading like a1995 dial up connection for the longest. Wondering who's minding the (OH) store?

So very happy for your recovered and now functioning wing---Fly free, Liz. What fun it will be for a while to re-newly enjoy doing daily activities that are usually taken for granted. Plus, you are going to need that arm as you discover the many outfits up north that now fit perfectly- These are the joys that far outweigh (pun intended) any scale reading.

It's pleasing and encouraging to know many here are experiencing "new wardrobes" in the closet.

Shoutout to the (evidently) renegade lone wolf customer service guy at Amazon I called to work out an overcharge on some coffee beans ordered. Before I called it took me forever to figure out the problem and was dreading the untangling it would take to explain my case. After looking up the order #, Moo quickly agreed (without hesitation) the first sentence out of my mouth, and informed me that #1 he was refunding the entire amount of the purchase, and #2 that I did not need to return the beans, and could do as I pleased with them! This was a $42 charged- all I was asking for was the difference ($14) that was overcharged. Thank you, Moo, for the coffee. You can bet Moo got a glowing review.

Still smiling over Devon and Blitz

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/16/24 4:42 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Moo definitely deserved kudos! Customer service is often so lacking these days.

on 5/15/24 8:15 am

Took me a while to get on here with the gateway errors. I do wonder if one day we just won't have OH. Thankful to DianeO for getting TT set up so we don't lose us!

I'm still giddy about Peps. What a big deal! Also still giggling about Nimble. Love the sports announcer treatment for the speedy girl! I also love that they call mixed breed dogs "All American Dogs" in the competition.

Today is shot day. I am down 1.6 this week. 29.6 overall. Maybe I'll cross the 30 line this week? I'm also 2.8 away from being under 200 pounds, which would feel fantastic.

I really need to clean today as the designers are coming tomorrow with most of my furniture, lamps, bedding etc. They will be here all day apparently. My dining room chairs aren't ready yet, nor the table/chairs/banquette for the family room, but I think most everything else. They are bringing rug samples instead of rugs. Also the wallpaper mirror and light fixture for the powder room aren't ordered yet. So still things to do! But maybe it won't feel like a mismatched garage sale in here anymore.

Have we talked about Kelly Clarkson yet? She just admitted to using what sounds like Mounjaro/Zepbound after months of attributing her weight loss to a high protein diet and exercise. She technically wasn't lying by saying she wasn't taking Ozempic since she wasn't taking that specific drug. But it's lying-adjacent to say/imply she did it with diet and exercise alone then later say she took weigh loss drugs for blood sugar. It makes those who can't do it through diet and exercise think they must be weak. Or that taking medication is cheating somehow or something to be ashamed about if they hide it of it.

While I absolutely agree with medical privacy and it being nobody's business, I am conflicted here. Saying nothing at all would have been better if medical privacy was desired. Because a famous person telling the world they did it through diet and exercise when they had significant help from a very valid medicinal option feels wrong. And technically it does come down to good diet choices, but the medication makes making those good choices so much easier to do. But then again, it's no one's business. Tough one...

I should get on my shot and start planning my cleaning attack. Why is procrastination and waiting until the last minute the only cattle prod that works to get me cleaning??

Take care my friends!

on 5/15/24 8:45 am

You and Ron share that procrastination approach to cleaning. He attributes it to working well with an impending deadline! I mildly procrastinate with both cleaning and dog trimming. I attribute it to my busy schedule! LOL! I like having down time between work life and home/chore life.

As for Kelly Clarkson.... I am miffed, too. Her elusive explanation about her weight loss only perpetuates the stereo typing of overweight and obese people as lazy undisciplined over eaters. I understand fully about medical privacy, but when someone rises to the level of international figure and their weight fluctuations over 2 decades become tabloid fodder I would hope they understand thousands upon thousands (if not millions) of people identify and sympathize with their struggles. At least Oprah has been transparent about her struggles. Even when I disagreed with her about a few things, she was open about her stances, beliefs, and methods. We went through her major weight loss when she fasted on shakes, through the subsequent regain and alliance with Bob Greene, a medical reason (thyroid???? I can't remember...), on to weigh****chers, and now with the GLP1 and GIP medications. I appreciate that even though she has been the target of cruelty about her weight changes she remains committed to being open and educating the public on medical advances in understanding obesity.

Perhaps Kelly Clarkson has not yet come to terms with her obesity issues and/or disordered eating behaviors. My guess is she is still feeling shame about her obesity and doesn't understand that becoming obese is a multifaceted transformation and deserves no self blame.

on 5/15/24 9:13 am

"Her elusive explanation about her weight loss only perpetuates the stereo typing of overweight and obese people as lazy undisciplined over eaters."

Yes! These were the words I was looking for and not landing on.

on 5/15/24 3:06 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Nobody is asking me about weight loss this time, probably because I've taken about a year to lose 37 pounds. But when I lost 140 pounds after surgery, there were a lot of questions. I settled on a middle ground. If someone who could benefit from surgery asked me, I told them (and also asked them not to discuss it with others please). For the reasons stated: I did not want someone who also struggled with weight to look at me and think I was suddenly full of willpower they didn't have. But other people: I would tell them complete lifestyle change. I didn't feel like I wanted to educate the world about WLS, especially if it wasn't something they would ever do. I didn't want to hear stories about people who gained all their weight back, or died (!), like I did from some family members. ( My SIL told me once, no offense but I don't know anybody who didn't gain everything back. I told her even if I did, it would be worth it to be smaller when I went to Italy later that year) I did/do have some ambivalence about whether my owning my surgery would reduce some of the stigma. I'm coming up on 12 years post surgery (In June!) , and I've become more comfortable just mentioning, when I had WLS 12 years ago... It's been long enough that people don't always remember my former size OR didn't even know me then, so they sometimes look surprised.

on 5/15/24 5:22 pm

Moving down below the 200 and into the 190 tens-spot is a major move. I'm rooting for you; and will be certain to cheer loudly when (not if) when it happens.
