Narrow pouch question? RNY post op surgery date was 11/17/2014

on 3/3/15 9:59 am

I have been really struggling with this surgery.  My pouch ended up being too narrow and that is why I was having so many issues in the beginning.  about 3 weeks ago I had to have a scope put down my throat into my stomach.  They had to stretch my pouch while they were in there.  I did liquid diet for 72 hours and have been on soft foods since then.  I feel like it changed for the first week and a 1/2.  I could eat without anything hurting.  Now it is back to being irritated again.  I do know that at the same time they did a biopsy and found that my stomach was irritated but nothing major on that part.  They said they stretched it out to 13mm.  I feel like maybe it shrunk back to where it was.  Is that possible?  Has anyone experienced this before?  I don't want to keep on having problems.  I want to hopefully eat meat soon.  I haven't been able to eat meat or eggs since I before the first surgery on 11/17.  Every time I would try I would throw up.  I am basically living on soup, greek yogurt, cheese sticks and protein shakes. I am really hoping this will change.  I don't even have the energy to workout since surgery.  I am thankful I have lost 47 lbs don't get me wrong but hope it will get better soon

on 3/3/15 11:30 am - WI

I'm not sure I've ever heard of a pouch being stretched.  Are you sure they didn't stretch the opening to your pouch? It's very common to have that stretched.  The problem is called a stricture.  If you use the search function on OH (little magnifying glass on the blue bar at the top, right of the page) you will find a lot of posts on strictures  Some people have to have a stricture stretched several times.  If it keeps bothering you, call your surgeon.  It's really not a serious complication and, like i said, it's quite common.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 3/3/15 11:48 am, edited 3/3/15 10:11 pm - MN
RNY on 11/26/12

In our active WLS support group, one guy six years out reported he has had six dilatations. He did say he still can't eat chicken and misses chugging water on a hot, summer day, not mentioning anything about low energy.  This is the extreme but a lot of people get the complication of strictures resolved after one or two, thank goodness. 

on 3/3/15 1:58 pm

You had/have a stricture.  About 5-7% of RNY patients get them...You are in that percentage...Sorry.  What I'm about to say please don't quote me...It's an approximation.  Of that 5-7% about 50% get their issue resolved the first time.  About 70-75% get it resolved a second trip to get scoped.  About 90% get resolved between 3 or 4 trips.  Yeah, very frustrating, but about 95% get the issue resolved after 4 trips.  So just plow through and the issue should get resolved...If not, you get another scope and wait and see.  Below is a copy and paste I've posted about strictures over the years.  Brian

What is a stricture?  This question comes up weekly, if not daily on OH.  Below is a copy and paste from Wikipedia.  If you are a few weeks out post op from RNY and have problems keeping well chewed food (even water) down, you might have a stricture.  Very common and very treatable (about 5% of RNY patients get them).  Also do not freak out if you have to go back a second or third time to get treated for one.  The Gastroenterologist will go just below the pouch and air up the "balloon" .  It is an outpatient procedure and you will be sedated.
As the anastomosis heals, it forms scar tissue, which naturally tends to shrink ("contract") over time, making the opening smaller. This is called a "stricture". Usually, the passage of food through an anastomosis will keep it stretched open, but if the inflammation and healing process outpaces the stretching process, scarring may make the opening so small that even liquids can no longer pass through it. The solution is a procedure called gastroendoscopy, and stretching of the connection by inflating a balloon inside it. Sometimes this manipulation may have to be performed more than once to achieve lasting correction.

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