OMG, signed up for a zombie 5k race for my life

on 9/25/12 9:42 am, edited 9/25/12 10:36 pm - Trenton, ON, Canada
RNY on 05/02/12
Ok. Deep breath. In a spur of the moment kind of thing I signed up for a zombie 5k race in Milton on October 27th.

First off, I can only run 3.6k right now, and there are no zombies chasing me and only 3 hills-no obstacles.

I have until October 27th to train...Has anyone done something like this? What tips do you have to help me survive (both literally and figuratively). I can't have any weapons other than my wits, strength and endurance. It's around a 3 1/2 hour drive to get there and my wave is at 1230. What do I eat before?

What have I got myself into? Did I mention I have never done any race yet...
Dr Ref: Sept 9th '10, Dr. Follow up (file lost in bulk transfer) Aug '11Pre-surg Asmt Ottawa: Dec 9th '11File Transf to HRH -another bulk transf Bypass class: Feb 2 '12 Surgeon Consult: Feb 8 '12    Dietician: Feb 8 '12   Soc Wrkr: Feb 8 '12 Nurse: Feb 8 '12 Internist: Mar 9 '12  Surgeon: Apr 4 '12 Opti:Apr 18 '12 SURGERY: May 2 '12    
on 9/25/12 10:05 am - Richmond Hill, Canada
RNY on 06/22/12
Oh that looks fun ! I am not a runner so I have no advice.


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt    

on 9/25/12 10:27 pm - Trenton, ON, Canada
RNY on 05/02/12
I love all things Zombie but this is a whole new world for me.
Dr Ref: Sept 9th '10, Dr. Follow up (file lost in bulk transfer) Aug '11Pre-surg Asmt Ottawa: Dec 9th '11File Transf to HRH -another bulk transf Bypass class: Feb 2 '12 Surgeon Consult: Feb 8 '12    Dietician: Feb 8 '12   Soc Wrkr: Feb 8 '12 Nurse: Feb 8 '12 Internist: Mar 9 '12  Surgeon: Apr 4 '12 Opti:Apr 18 '12 SURGERY: May 2 '12    
Toni B.
on 9/25/12 10:54 am - Sudbury, Ontario
RNY on 01/19/12
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Don't be scared... if you are running 3.6 right now, you are so close...

No I should add a disclaimer...i haven't run 5K race yet... my very first every 5K is this maybe I will have advice to give you after sunday...LOL

I hope to feed of the positive energy of all the people there at the race (CIBC Run for the Cure) and hopefully that will carry me through to the end/??

Toni..."Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the will to overcome it" Twitter:@fatgirlchanging
   Surgery JAN. 19th, 2012 Down 120 lbs & 75 inches @ my last Weigh in!!!!  
Fat Girl Changing her World

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on 9/25/12 10:29 pm - Trenton, ON, Canada
RNY on 05/02/12
Thanks, I hope that I can get there in the month I have left.  I have a lot of work to do.
Wishing you all the best of luck on your first race. Please make sure you post to let us know how it goes and I'd love to hear any advice you can offer.
Dr Ref: Sept 9th '10, Dr. Follow up (file lost in bulk transfer) Aug '11Pre-surg Asmt Ottawa: Dec 9th '11File Transf to HRH -another bulk transf Bypass class: Feb 2 '12 Surgeon Consult: Feb 8 '12    Dietician: Feb 8 '12   Soc Wrkr: Feb 8 '12 Nurse: Feb 8 '12 Internist: Mar 9 '12  Surgeon: Apr 4 '12 Opti:Apr 18 '12 SURGERY: May 2 '12    
(deactivated member)
on 9/25/12 11:48 am - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12
Good for you, way to go!
on 9/25/12 10:30 pm - Trenton, ON, Canada
RNY on 05/02/12
Now to just survive it ...
Dr Ref: Sept 9th '10, Dr. Follow up (file lost in bulk transfer) Aug '11Pre-surg Asmt Ottawa: Dec 9th '11File Transf to HRH -another bulk transf Bypass class: Feb 2 '12 Surgeon Consult: Feb 8 '12    Dietician: Feb 8 '12   Soc Wrkr: Feb 8 '12 Nurse: Feb 8 '12 Internist: Mar 9 '12  Surgeon: Apr 4 '12 Opti:Apr 18 '12 SURGERY: May 2 '12    
on 9/25/12 11:54 am - Canada
 OK first hint do a small light run before race to warm up. No more than 10 minutes just light.  Take a few deep breaths before the race. Next important hint I can give you is don't get caught up with everyone else. It is easy to do but if you do you could find yourself in trouble at the end. Infact start out a little slower and pick up your speed towards the end. If you don't think you can run the whole 5 k than start doing 10 and 1 nothing wrong with it and you can still pass people doing 10 and 1. If you dont know what 10 and 1 is let me know and I will tell you. With it being just a 5k your fuel is not a big deal. Have a good breakfast some protein and carbs. I have trouble running with food inside me so I need to eat a few hours before hand. Take a banana with you and an orange.  if you have that along your drive you should be fine. Do you have a fuel belt so you can carry water. I always like to carry my own water so I can drink when needed and not have to wait for water station. If you can handle chocolate milk than have some handy for after the race. It is good for you. Nuts is also good for after the race. You want to get some protein in you afterwards. Any questions feel free. I understand being scared. I am training for marathon  and I am thinking what have you done. Just remember you are strong and you can do it.
on 9/25/12 10:34 pm - Trenton, ON, Canada
RNY on 05/02/12
These are the tips I need! Thank you so much.
I do have a fuel belt but it's the old style that holds 1 regular bottle of water. Should I pick up a pack of the mini bottles and put that on instead?

I don't know what 10 and 1 is. It sounds like a runner thing and I'm so new to this. I don't know the "lingo" so to speak.

I agree about the food thing. I learnt early out that if there is food still in me before I run, it will not end pretty. Good suggestions with the banana, orange and nuts.

Thank you again for your help. I plan to work my upper body today in anticipation of the obstacles. I might need the extra strength.
Dr Ref: Sept 9th '10, Dr. Follow up (file lost in bulk transfer) Aug '11Pre-surg Asmt Ottawa: Dec 9th '11File Transf to HRH -another bulk transf Bypass class: Feb 2 '12 Surgeon Consult: Feb 8 '12    Dietician: Feb 8 '12   Soc Wrkr: Feb 8 '12 Nurse: Feb 8 '12 Internist: Mar 9 '12  Surgeon: Apr 4 '12 Opti:Apr 18 '12 SURGERY: May 2 '12    
Toni B.
on 9/25/12 11:06 pm - Sudbury, Ontario
RNY on 01/19/12
I don't know what the 10 and 1 is either... i am guessing it's run 10 minutes and walk 1?

Let me know when you find out!

So glad you posted your question...I've learned a few things from highlandbear's post too... useful info for us newbie's on the running scene.

I promise to post the outcome of Sunday's run!

Toni..."Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the will to overcome it" Twitter:@fatgirlchanging
   Surgery JAN. 19th, 2012 Down 120 lbs & 75 inches @ my last Weigh in!!!!  
Fat Girl Changing her World

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