What are you doing/eating - Thursday

on 8/16/12 5:15 am - St. Williams, Canada
VSG on 05/02/12
Mornin' y'all - feeling kinda southern with the beautiful sunshine!

Going to walk today with the mutt when I take my son to work - 30 min or more.  Clean one room in my house, throw the bedding on the clothesline and then off to work for the afternoon.

I am 3 months out and losing well....

B: swiss oatmeal (WLS cookbk for dummies)
S: Protein Shake
L: - going out - not sure
S: 1 cup green seedless grapes
D: leftover pork tenderloin and some veggies
S: 2 mini babybel lights

Any suggestions from the group would be helpful......

on 8/16/12 5:24 am - Toronto, Canada
Today is my Friday, and then i'm on vacation next week!! It's funny how much i'm looking forward to it, and yet i'm worried about gaining weight. I wish I could calm down about it!


B: Scrambled eggs mixed with ham and parmasean cheese & Coffee
S: Cheese and Triscuits x 2
L: Chicken and veggies
S: banana and peanut butter
D: OMG - Korean BBQ....all you can eat...sigh. should be interesting. I'll be spending $18 for not much food. Oh well. I need to look at it as money spent with friends and family laughing!

No exercise today. Getting a pedi at lunch instead

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 8/16/12 5:43 am - Canada
Going swimming tonight after work.
Walking at noon.

 B - bowl of muesli w 1/2 banana and fresh strawberries, large coffee
 S - cottage cheese w fresh raspberries
 L - 2 turkey bites, 3 crackers
 S - 1 apple, 21 g cheddar, 1 large coffee
 S#2 if required - Special K cereal bar w chocolate
 D - chicken kebob w salad

Loving these temperatures - MUCH better for exercise!
on 8/16/12 6:15 am - Canada
 I'm on vacation, so hanging out with my son for the day.  We might take a walk to Riverdale Farm in the afternoon.

B-cottage cheese, babybel cheese, apple slices with almond butter, mini carrot muffin (eggface recipe)
L-Stuffed pepper casserole with parmesan cheese sprinkled on top, baby spinach, 7 Kashi pita crisps
S-Pure protein chocolate peanut butter bar, source yoplait yogurt
D-not sure yet...something from my freezer...maybe fish or if I don't feel like cooking then probably tuna salad
Sandy  Surgery Jan.18,2012 with Dr. Timothy Jackson at TWH.
Karen M.
on 8/16/12 6:41 am, edited 8/15/12 11:42 pm - Mississauga, Canada
Gooood morning :)

I'm off today on "stay-cation". lol For farr I've been enjoying Criminal Minds. LOL Ahhhh... what a lovely feeling - no where to go,no one to see. :)

RNY - 6+ years post-op

B - haven't had coffee but I certainly will shortly
S - currently I am thoroughly enjoying a terrikiaki chicken salad from believe or or not, McDonalds, with grilled chicken.
L - remainder of the salad - oh my gosh. I am impressed Ronald!
S - not sure yet
D - leftover chicken stir fry, lots of veggies and chicken

Have a wonderful day :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 8/16/12 6:51 am
RNY on 01/11/12
Hey Karen
you take care of you!! have a wonderful "stay-cation"...
hope to see you soon... and wanna hear you "build me up buttercup" again!
Karen M.
on 8/16/12 6:53 am, edited 8/16/12 12:25 am - Mississauga, Canada

That would be "Lick me up" Buttercup actually. LOL!!!

We will have cawfee soon - hope to see you. xoxo



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 8/16/12 7:22 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12
Went for fasting blood tesat this morning and then a visit to the sleep apnea clinic. threw off my eating a little. Going back in January when I will be a year out from sugery to have a full sleep test.
He just lowered the pressure for now. I was very severe before surgery so it is good just to have the pressure lowered.

b. protein bar
coffee need more
s. do not want to eat
l. salad with turkey
s. hummus and carrotts
d. chili
s. cheese and crackers





on 8/16/12 1:42 am, edited 8/16/12 1:42 am - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Quiet day - no plans except to start pulling things up from the basement to get ready for vacation in 2 weeks.

VSG - 3 & 1/2 months post-op

B - 2 scrambled eggs and 1 oz low-fat cheese (& 4 oz skim milk, later)
S - Protein shake
L - 3 pcs of Melba toast w peanut butter
S - 1/2 c Greek yogurt
D - Chicken stir-fry w lots of veggies (3/4 c)
S - small peach
Lots of water throughout the day.

on 8/16/12 10:46 am - St. Williams, Canada
VSG on 05/02/12
Wow - look at the weight you have lost!  Congratulations - you must be doing everything right!  Way to go VSG sister! 

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