
I finally have a confirmed surgery date after 6 months, my insurance required that i take 6  weight loss class. I'm  46 year old recently divorced  mother of 3 sons and three beautiful grandsons.  I have struggled with my weight all my life but I never this much weight.  In 1996 I lost about 48 pounds then February 1998 I contracted a rare form of Hepatitis called Auto-Immune-Hepatitis.  To combat the effects of the disease I was put on a high dosage of Prednsione which is a form of steroid, my body up like a balloon in no time.  With all the fluid on my body I was so swollen I couldn't wear shoes I had to wear house shoes for 6 months. The medication worked alone with another medication that i have to take the rest of my life I'm well and feeling good.  In 2003 I joined Curves for Women.  When I first went there I was like these machines will not help me lose weight.  Well I was wrong I went 3 days a week I followed their diet then I just was a really feeling good and liked how I looked. In December 2007 I had breast reduction surgery, so while I was recovering i got comfortable not exercising and eating things that wasn't good for me the weight just kept coming I would say oh I will start my diet again Monday.  I was feeling miserable day by day I didn't want to do anything anymore.  

My girl Harriet and I was both feeling the same way we talked about different diets all the time.  Then we decided to have the lap band.  Well I changed my mind my sons were really nervous about me having surgery again. I said okay I will try it the old fashion way I did it once I can do it again.  Well I was so wrong I worked out three times a week, rode my stationary bike I thought I was eating right.  I went to my doctor had him check my thyroid which was fine.  I couldn't understand why I couldn't lose the weight I was feeling like a failure. October 2008 was my reality It was starting to get cold here in Texas so I'm in my closet trying to fit in to genes and pants I couldn't get the up my thight.  I couldn't believe how much weight I gained in such a short time period.  I thought about the lap band again I reseached different weight loss centers and decided on one made an appointment.  I talked to my boys and ex-husband I told them I know how you feel but this is something I need to do for me and each one of you and your kids. I called Harriet and told her what I decided to go forward with the lap band surgery, she was so happy for me.

I'm very excited because I have my date I cant wait for the new me looking thinner and no more back and knee aches.  After six years of being a member at Curves for women I cancled my membership and joined a gym.  I enjoy the treadmill and the rowing machine I'm scared of that elipictaI machine but i will get use to it I'm just taking it one day at a time. Harriet is my support system right now it's good to have her to talk to to guide me through this process Harriet is my angel love you girl. Well that's my story wish me luck on my new begining of life style change for life..

About Me
Round Rock, TX
Surgery Date
Dec 04, 2008
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