Impulse eating

Apr 11, 2012

Note to self: Control and remember. Just because I can have it, doesn't mean I should. I have been struggling w/ impulse eating like a mug. I will have no thought or desire to eat something sugary or salty and...BAMI'll walk into a store and a Turtles
pack, cookies, oatmeal creme pie, etc. will just grate my nerves until I purchase. I feel like a junkie trying to talk myself out of taking one last hit before I start rehab. It wasn't like this pre-op. I will literally need something from the store but, I won't go b/c I'm having a weak moment and know I'll purchase something I don't need. I think it's more of a struggle now b/c I'm at my desired goal clothes-wise. 4's fit better than 6's and I exercise consistently, at least 5x/wk, every week. I find myself justifying it, saying it's just a lil' snack, you'll burn it off. It's only justified every once in a while, not everyday like I have been.

Also, contributing to this is I have some open-questions that need to be addressed in my personal life and I don't know which way to turn. I find myself having anxiety issues b/c I'm in such a state of uncertainty that I find myself so scared to make the wrong decision that I'm just stagnant to the point of not doing anything. which further frustates me.  But, it's final answer time, so we'll see how these anxiety induced snacking sessions goes, once some things are done away with. Another good thing is that consistently warm-weather is right around the corner and I'll get more active outdoors again, take away some of the idle time I sit around worrying and comtemplating.


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